Monday, December 25, 2023

The Colors of (Pokémon) Christmas

Meanwhile, the special day itself has come up, as special as it has ever been (and will be). For those in the northern hemisphere, the occasion occurs smack-dab in the middle of winter, which would typically be a dreary affair outside of the special day with a lack of color. Still, the occasion of the holiday itself often demands a lot of color, which is something fortunate for those who celebrate, even indirectly. Pokémon fans can also revel in this fact, and they can associate those same colors with things that they know well from it to make the occasion more festive.

The traditional colors of the season are green and red, which actually has a certain symbolism - for peace and togetherness respectively. A few Pokémon can embody those colors, like Exeggutor and Abomasnow (the latter appropriate to these times) for green, and the Cherubi family for red. The winter sky may be dotted in silvery points of light, and with luck, one of them might just be Jirachi waking up from its millennial slumber to make the day more festive. Pikachu and Ampharos could be two golden-yellow Pokémon that can provide spark to these times, while Charmander could stoke the fire with its crimson color and Slugma can keep it going, as demonstrated in animation. Finally, there's the predominant color of the season - white - which could be represented by most Ice-type Pokémon; the choice or preference may depend on the person or place.

With the explanation above, now it's starting to sound like a certain song about the colors of the season, by one of my favorite artists:

Green is in the mistletoe
And red is in the holly
Silver in the stars above
That shine on everybody
Gold is in the candlelight
And crimson in the embers
White is in the winter night
That everyone remembers
-- "White Is in the Winter Night", Enya

Apart from being a song about colors, it's also about the goings-on of the season, which also touches on last year's topic (see below). Indeed, the song does mention quite a few of them, which should be familiar to anyone who has experienced them. The same goings-on might just manifest themselves in the Pokémon world, perhaps in slightly different forms, but more or less being the same. 

In the dreary days of winter, seeing colors might be a strange thing. But then it's not so strange given the festivities of this day, which still demand color for their nature. The colors of Pokémon might just be able to mesh well with all those festivities and bring life to the seemingly lifeless environment of this time of year. That much may be a source of comfort and joy for all fans of Pokémon, and exactly that is what is needed on this very day, however one might choose to celebrate.

So, Merry Christmas... and I hope it's a colorful one. 🎄

Six years ago: Merry Christmas!

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