Sunday, December 25, 2022

Much Ado About Christmas

Another year, another Christmas. After the past two years of having the merriment toned down, it along with other things are starting to liven up - perhaps not as close as to what they were before, but sufficiently. Still, a lot of things do occur (or have to happen) around this time of year, and some of them might just involve Pokémon. The latter would be of obvious fascination to me and many other fans of the franchise, especially if they occur in significant quantities... and that seems to be something to be finely discussed on this occasion.

If anything, much of the goings-on of the occasion may have occurred in the lead-up to this morning, which for many would involve presents. That would include their procurement, setting up, and of course their opening this very morning. As I've mentioned in my very first year of coverage (see below), I as a Pokémon fan can be and have been involved in the past; though I haven't been involved in more recent iterations, I do have a bit of a longing for when it can happen again. Even though I'm more involved in the "opening" aspect, I know that a lot goes into all the efforts above, but whether or not they involve Pokémon (but especially so if they do), they should be highly commended.

For a current Pokémon happening that's rather involved, at least closer to me rather than farther away, that would be Pokémon Festival Jakarta. According to the schedule, it has its own Christmas celebration, which should be rather involved. But then so is the entire thing with all the mini-events that occur, including the in-game ones for Pokémon Go. A lot of (heart)strings must have been tugged to make things happen, and this has to be rather evident in the press conference that occurred the day before the festivities started (December 7), way back near the beginning of this month. It detailed sponsors (some of which are now Sponsored PokéStops), the schedule, and everything relevant to it. It may seem to make sense to hold it in its current timeframe, given Christmas today - and New Year's next week consequently - fall on Sunday, the best day for everything to happen. It does make for a great Christmas that way, at a time when it's possible to celebrate with Pokémon.

Ash: I'd love to be there!

Me: I would agree, but at this point, I can't promise anything yet.

Goh: It does seem like something you should try to plan for, since this could be your only chance.

Me: A friend said that too. Again, no promises, but let me try to make heads and tails out of it and see what happens. For now, Ash, you have a bit of something to do for me today.

Ash: Nice!

Pikachu: Pika! ["Great!"]

Me: But I can't say much about it now, since I have to finish up this Christmas discussion. It's the main thing for me each year. Yet it does add to the affairs of our day.

Goh: I wonder what this could be. Anyhow, we understand. Christmas is big after all.

Ash: I can wait, but I can't wait at the same time!

Me: I can have it by tomorrow, in any case.

The point - in addition to what Goh said - is that Christmas has many affairs. Even something as remote - in both location and relation - to Christmas as the current ongoing local Pokémon event has a lot of things going for it. It's something that won't change even if the world changes like it had in the past few years. Hopefully, that goes for the appreciation that Pokémon fans have for the franchise, especially during this very special time of year.

Now, the multitude of regular affairs or things for Pokémon or otherwise continues as the year approaches its end and turns over into a new one. That too is a certainty beyond this hallowed day.

Have a merry Christmas, however many affairs or things may be had. 🎄

Five years ago: Merry Christmas!

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