Tuesday, December 6, 2022

It's a Rotom World

Both the real world and the Pokémon world owe certain successes to certain devices that aid people's way of life. Those certain devices are powered by electricity in both worlds, but for the Pokémon world, they may also be powered up with (or more precisely as) a certain Pokémon as their heart and soul: Rotom. It is fitting too, since Rotom is of the Electric type. With it being able to take up many forms that represent many useful devices, it might not be a stretch to call that world - or at least a part of it - as a "Rotom World".

As understood by fans, Rotom comes in a wide array of forms - archetypal forms that resemble those certain devices, as well as what I would call "molded forms" as Rotom Dex and Rotom Phone because of them essentially being in a case. Interestingly, the archetypal forms are battle-ready, but the "molded forms" are more assistive and not so much battlers. As battle-ready as the archetypal forms are, it seems that battling is all that they are good for, as attempting to use them as the devices they resemble might lead to unpredictable results.

The situation, as it would seem, appears to derive from their capacity for life. The archetypal forms obviously have a life all their own, but nowhere this is more true than for the Rotom Dex. Those acquainted with the Alola saga will notice how it has a certain "personality" that sometimes makes it do strange things that often has an effect on others, particularly Ash as the one Rotom Dex is designated to assist. Rotom is still a Pokémon after all, so it has life - though in this case, more than it would seem.

Meanwhile, more forms of Rotom have been something that has entertained the curiosity of many Trainers. They would obviously cover more types, with specific electrical(ly aided) devices for each type. These would be like the archetypal forms that are battle-ready and not so much the assistive "molded forms". The provision of completion for Rotom forms is akin to the provision of completion for Eevee's "Eeveelutions", or remotely, more of the "titans" coming into being. It may or may not happen, but it captures the thought.

With the thought captured, Rotom remains a unique part of living with Pokémon, and its world as well. It's a transformative and transformational Pokémon, whether of itself or some useful devices, and there's a certain electrical vivaciousness that it has. It's proven that it has the capacity to amuse and bemuse by way of its antics, or even to inspire and aspire for the fulfillment of many more possible forms. Given these connections and more to just about any Trainer related to it, it seems that it may be a "Rotom World", after all.

One year ago: Creatures of the Land
Three years ago: Time of Posting
Five years ago: Watching and Re-Watching

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