Thursday, December 15, 2022

My "Friend Experience" in Playing Pokémon Unite

I've had the experience of playing Pokémon Unite with many friends, and they all have different backgrounds and personalities while playing. Predictably, they all result in different experiences while playing the game, all of which have their own facets and quirks. I feel that others may want to know about them and to compare them to their own experiences of playing with their friends in the game. And so it is that I've decided to take a post to explain about those "friend experiences" that I've had for all to digest and comprehend, especially vis-a-vis their own.

There is a friend that I've played with for the longest time, and when I play with that friend, the experience is mellow but sometimes gets a little tense at the end. In a sense, that friend is also a good Pokémon fan, having been involved in several Pokémon matters - though not the main series games - and I've even thrown the name of that friend around on this blog. I find that whenever we play, the experience is always enjoyable no matter how the results of our matches turn out. It's something I look forward to, even if I'm not sure when we will be able to play together again.

A recent friend, meanwhile, offers a very different experience. When we play together, the session inevitably becomes quite tense, more so near the end of a match and especially ranked matches. That friend may be described as a "fledgling" Pokémon fan, with the barest of experiences with most things Pokémon - though that friend is also a partial authority on MOBA games, which definitely includes Pokémon Unite. Though the matches may turn out to be OK in some ways, the high tension that results from us playing together may be something we'd like to suppress.

Groups of friends are also no stranger to my experiences. One of the past groups I've played with had an overall pleasant demeanor, even as the results of our matches went up and down. I'm not able to discern much about their experience with Pokémon in general, but I'm sure they know different things that I also know and have experienced. From the few matches that we had at that time, we felt that we could try to understand each other as we played, even though we didn't for reasons of brevity. Likewise, though it may be hard to determine when we'll play next, I desire it somewhat.

More recently, I've had the chance to play with a different group of friends for the first time, which involves a masterful Pokémon Trainer in many Pokémon areas (including, of course, Unite) and a few other people who relate to the masterful Trainer - myself included certainly. The one match that I've had was rather cheery despite being a very tense ranked match, which was evidenced as we talked over voice chat, and it turned out in our favor. It was a completely different experience compared to the others above. While it may be hard to guarantee this will happen again, more plays should turn out in much the same way.

Different people will surely play Pokémon Unite with different approaches and react in even more different ways. This is evident without having to play with many different people as I have done, but in doing so, it is still an affirmation that every match and the reactions involved in those matches work out as such. Yet the interactions and reactions are still something I enjoy pursuing and discovering as much as I pursue and discover my progressions and skills in the game - and others can do so as well. It makes for a richer experience in knowing ourselves as we continue to deal with the game.

Three years ago: Cosplay: Panniversary 3

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