Friday, December 23, 2022

Café Remix: Pay to Win?

I've discussed many points about features, tips, and issues regarding Pokémon Café Remix throughout this year since I finally divulged that I have a Nintendo Switch. Yet there seems to be one more issue that I haven't discussed, and it could be described as the "Donphan in the room". It's an issue that applies equally well to Café Remix as it does to the mobile games of today, for which they share the common thread of having purchasable items. This fact therefore begs the question that addresses the issue: is Café Remix a "pay-to-win" game?

The most natural way to answer this question would be to consider the items that are (currently) purchasable with real money, particularly in the game's shop as I've discussed previously. Besides the customary main currency of Golden Acorns (and the weekly Stamina pack that is purchased with them), there is an outfit pack, the monthly Premium Pass, and the "daily ticket" pack for an additional delivery by Pelipper (read: another gacha draw). Most of the effects from buying these packs involve access to more items and aspects that are useful in many ways but may or may not be necessary to achieve success, even with the increased engagement that they demand. In other words, they enhance the experience but are not necessarily the precursor or prompt to success.

Yet, the stinker remains the Premium Pass as above. Besides allowing access to the exclusive Pokémon in the monthly goals as I had outlined, it does affect certain events by providing bonuses. With the Premium Pass purchased, it becomes possible to earn more points in relevant events, including team events with its points gained in various ways and "legendary visits" that use the One-Minute Cooking framework. It becomes clear that with all other things remaining the same, the extra points given by purchasing the Premium Pass might just provide the edge to help oneself and others, and therefore paying for it could make the winning move. Still, it may be that a number of other factors play into making things a success, with or without the Premium Pass being purchased.

So to answer the question posed above, it may be that for some, "paying to win" becomes readily apparent, while for others, it may just be irrelevant and/or inconsequential. As such, the overall answer could be considered to be inconclusive, being that the effects may not be guaranteed for one person compared to another. However, the experience may still just be better to a certain extent by paying, and for certain people, that may or may not be considered the "victory" to be achieved.

Café Remix is regardless much like a number of games of the current era that provide the "bones" for free while reserving some of the good stuff for those who are willing to pay (and therefore support its development). In the case of this game, it means the items and bonuses that might just make a difference, provided that a person properly takes advantage of them in addition to what that person brings to the table. "Victory" may just shape itself through both as much as through what the game already offers even without payment.

Three years ago: December for Love
Five years ago: Perspective

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