Wednesday, December 21, 2022

My New Current Pokémon Unite Role Preferences

Speaking of Pokémon Unite, I saw this post from last year and I thought it would be well to do to update it, to show my current preferences or "mains". Pokémon Unite has changed so much in the past year from its updates, so to update this post makes total sense. Even so, there may or may not have been much change in them, but steps may have been taken toward that change, and as such, I'll be noting them a little differently here. As before, I include all five roles for equal representation of what makes me "me" in Unite.

All-Rounder. For this one, much hasn't changed - my main is still for the one and only Charizard. I've even gotten a Pokémon ribbon for it, which shows how much I depend on it for many, many purposes. Yet on the side, I've been toying a bit with Lucario, for which I might be able to use effectively but in a different style - though I have not gotten to that yet. For now, Charizard is tops in my book and has become a general "main" (along with the role) as its primary definition, and there's not much reason to change what works.

Attacker. Meanwhile, this one has a radical change. Nowadays, this role is something I'll take up sometimes, and when I do it, I do it with Pikachu - while I've left my previous main Cinderace to languish. Likewise with the above, I've been toying with the role and retrying my hand at Sylveon. It seems that it may have just a little bit to go to become an on-par main, but maybe not quite. Pikachu is quite workable as it is and I've built much strategy around it, and it's my choice for most usual situations.

Defender. Because of the above, it's clear that my main role has shifted from this one. Yet when push comes to shove, I would now take Slowbro for this role, also something that I went back to. On the "experimental" side, perhaps in part inspired by a certain meme provider, I took it upon myself to try out Blastoise; at this point, it feels like the above combined with my previous main, Mamoswine. This role may still have some uses, and I feel I have prepared for that with a definitive choice.

Speedster. In the some-things-don't-change department, there is this role with my previous pick Zeraora being maintained. Still, in some cases, my usage of this role has increased quite a bit, and as a result, I also experimented with adding Absol to the mix. Not much has been borne out of that effort, but much has been reaped from Zeraora that I continue to depend on it for primary usage. It may be said that I've gotten slightly accustomed to the speed of the Pokémon that not much else has become an issue.

Supporter. The last of the five roles, like the one just above, has not changed much for me personally, though now this has become my most infrequent role by the way I play. My choice is still on the veritable Wigglytuff with its surprising capabilities when I want to put myself to the test. Of course, I also would like to test myself, and my target for testing would be its Fairy-type kin Clefable. All would have to be in due time, I suppose, just like the opportunity to put this role into action wherever it may.

After one year, many things have definitely updated (changed) in Pokémon Unite, and that also goes for my preferences on the Pokémon roles above. Experimentation may be described as something that plays a key part in those changes or updates, and it may be something that is a prelude for more change as I try to incorporate more Pokémon into my Unite skill set. The spirit of going with my "mains", though, remains the same, even if it may be different at different times - especially now with all the developments of Unite.

Five years ago: Friend Faves

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