Monday, December 26, 2022

Cosplay: Trans Mini Fest

Goh: Oh, so it was an event - and on Christmas too!

Me: It was. This was a first for Ash and me, to send him to an event on that day. Usually I'd just spend the day in peace, but not that day.

Goh: And because of that, you had to delay discussing about it.

Me: Exactly. So this is one of the rare times I review an event not on the very same day.

Ash: I remember there was an event many years ago you sent me to, but it wasn't on Christmas - but it was still related to it.

Pikachu: Pika chu, pika pika chu. ["I remember, that was a pleasant time."]

Me: I remember that too. But I guess such an event won't fly these days, even if the event itself is on "the day". But you can take it however you like.

Goh: I want to know about the location. Where was it?

Ash: It was in an amusement park high in a mall! I've been there three years ago for one event when I was sent to two in the same day.

Me: Yes, you remember that one. It had more than a few problems, including organization. This one ought to be not as problematic.

Ash: But there was still one problem - the space was a bit small, and everyone had to squeeze in to get around and to watch! Come to think of it, it was like that the last time too.

Me: OK, so that's a venue problem. I've been there on my own, and this is not an easy thing to solve, especially since the park equipment is involved. The stage is also placed in a corner, so that is definitely part of the traffic problems.

Ash: It was just like what you said. That's a hard thing for them to solve. I wanted to play a game or two, but I couldn't with all the people around.

Pikachu: Pi, ka. ["Couldn't go."]

Goh: What did you end up doing?

Ash: I just stayed where the event was and didn't go anywhere else.

Me: That's the absolute best thing you can do. So, that's something for them to consider if they hold another one in the same place next time.

Goh: This does remind me of one event you sent Ash to that had almost the same location problems as this one.

Me: Yes, but at least that one could be solved in a better way and with less effort - this one, not so much. All right, now I have to discuss the reason why you were here.

Ash: There was a character parade and a singing competition! But that wasn't why I was here...

Me: No. You were in fact here as a "guest performer", here just to sing a song. Technically, I could have forced your way into the competitions, but the people who made this happen, I know them well and they know you - so it wouldn't fly with them and it would have been a waste of time for us.

Goh: A guest performer! People really know you that well.

Me: I guess they do. So, this was a special time, so I thought I'd have you sing something nice - "Type: Wild".

Ash: That's an interesting one! I've wondered about sending me with that one. But, um, yesterday...

Me: Uh-oh. But before you tell me more about that, tell me about how the character parade and singing competition went, even though you weren't in them.

Ash: The parade was great! I saw lots of characters, and the winners were neat. Some of them were kids too!

Goh: Oh now, this is neat. So they're kids, but they look like characters?

Ash: Yeah! I've seen them in the past too. They always get good cheer - and at the end, some of them were asked to come up on stage again.

Pikachu: Pi, pika chu. ["Well, they're nice."]

Me: This is actually a good topic to discuss, but I'll do that on my own. What about the singing competition?

Ash: Everyone sounded real nice! Many of the songs were neat, but a few I kept hearing again, even from the day that I won.

Me: I think those songs are rather trendy, but they don't have much relevance to us, so we don't need to worry about them.

Goh: How'd the schedule go? I know some past events have been off about this.

Ash: Everything ended up early! The parade was planned to be split in two, but it ended up happening just as one. But... maybe it wasn't good for some people who thought it was still going to happen in two parts.

Me: I only hope everyone got the warning that the schedule could change like that if things were early. Regardless, after that, it was time for you to perform. How was that?

Ash: Um... I did OK. But I messed up a little on the second verse and... maybe had a little pitch problem? But we practiced it so many times...

Me: It seems that even after that, the expected problems came to a head. I'll think up of a way to make this right when we have the chance to perform this again in the future. But this is fine for now, and at least it wasn't a competition, just like that one time.

Ash: Maybe it can win after that, like with "XY&Z"!

Pikachu: Chu! Pika pika chu. ["Certainly! It can happen."]

Me: Haha, maybe so. So, what did you and the others think of the event?

Ash: We thought most of it went well. The only thing I brought up was why the singing competition had only one judge - it turns out the other judge was supposed to be from the people who had the place but it fell through at the last moment. And the other judge got to perform like me! I would have loved to offer my views.

Me: Right, like that one time you were actually one.

Goh: Wow, that is an achievement!

Me: It is, isn't it? Anyway, what has happened happened, and we can only look forward to more next year. Hopefully it can be on the same scale as this, but much better.

Goh: It makes sense, since there's only a few days left in the year.

Ash: We'll keep doing the best we can! Hopefully the others too.

Me: Absolutely. Right then, we'll see you next year.

Ash, Goh: We'll see you!

Pikachu: Pika! ["See you!"]

Three years ago: More on Sunner and Me

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