Tuesday, December 20, 2022

The Contribution and the Results

Looking at a post I made a couple of years ago, I discussed much about what a certain game maker demands for potential "contributors" to a certain Pokémon game it had planned and how those potential contributors can respond to those demands. The one thing - well, two things - that I didn't discuss were the game maker and the game in question, other than their efforts certainly being related to Pokémon. And yet this is now a pivotal and important matter, and therefore I consider it a "loose end" that I should tie up.

So, that game maker is... Tencent TiMi, and by (obvious) extension, the game in question is Pokémon Unite, which now has a foothold among Pokémon fans and fervent competitors of their games despite being only still a fledgling game in comparison to the others that have been established for longer. It's an amazing feat for such a game, and that feat has to be owed to its development, which has taken its twists and turns. Yet considering the above, all those twists and turns would have their sources in the contributions that were made early on, which was the point of the call for contributors way back then.

The results of that call for contributors has been evident in the variety of elements that are now present in the game. Some are taken from the main series games, while others are abstracted from other sources - one of the most likely ones being the anime. And yet, they all still make sense within the framework of Pokémon games in general, for both longtime fans and more recent ones. That speaks highly of the game maker's demand for knowledgeable Pokémon people in different areas of Pokémon knowledge. Though the specifics might never be known exactly, at least to the non-developers, much can still be surmised about them.

While I'm still not in the position to contribute to any Pokémon game, much less from a development perspective, I still find the need to appreciate the efforts and contributions of those who had done so, specifically for the game in question above. The call for contributors for its development was totally warranted, and the results have indicated the vivacious quality of the game - especially true as I and other Pokémon fans continue to pick it up and play, and even further to compete. It is indeed a lively scene for them and us.

Now that Pokémon Unite has taken the world of (Pokémon) gaming by storm, and will continue to do so as competitions for it spring up and be established, it becomes important to recognize the contributions that were made for the game. It may be hard to believe that something so big as the Unite movement started from a little thing like the call above, but then that's quite the case for things that snowball into popularity. And like the in-game item in one of its maps, it now has the potential to make further hits.

Three years ago: Sitting Pikachu Keychain
Five years ago: Movie Manga!

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