Sunday, December 18, 2022

Pokémon Go Community Day Weekend, 12/17/2022 and 12/18/2022

Goh: Oh, it's Community Day. But... there are two days...?

Me: Yeah. The last Community Day of the year is always a summary of every Pokémon involved this year, and the previous year too.

Ash: That's awesome. So that's why I saw a lot of different Pokémon yesterday. And I guess I'll see more of them today.

Pikachu: Pi pika chu. ["Yeah, surely."]

Me: Indeed that's the case. So this year, we had Spheal, Hoppip, Sandshrew (Kanto and Alolan), Stufful, Alolan Geodude, Deino, Starly, Galarian Zigzagoon, Roggenrola, Litwick, and Teddiursa.

Goh: That's a lot of Pokémon from all around.

Me: And last year, we had Machop, Roselia, Fletchling, Snivy, Swablu, Gible, Tepig, Eevee, Oshawott, Duskull, and Shinx.

Ash: I like that list too!

Me: Now Ash, you should have seen many Pokémon, mostly of the first five (six if you count both Sandshrew forms separately) from this year yesterday before the event in the wild, from 2 PM to 5 PM - although you could see all of them any time before or after that, specifically after 9 AM.

Ash: I did! There were lots of them.

Me: You should be seeing or have seen the other six today in the same way at the same times, up to 9 PM today.

Ash: Like you said, it was mostly all of them.

Me: Also, there is an addition. This year we had Community Day Classic, the return of past editions but "modernized". Bulbasaur, Dratini, and Mudkip were the ones involved. Did you see any of them in the wild?

Ash: I saw them a few times, but they were so rare.

Goh: I guess it makes sense that they're rare, since everyone has been seeing them all this time.

Me: I would think that's the reason too.

Goh: What about the ones from the past year?

Me: Oh, those are different. Instead of them in the wild, they appear in raids and 2 km Eggs instead. Always has been that way.

Ash: I saw the raids but didn't have a chance to battle in them, and your Eggs didn't stand a chance of being hatched quickly.

Me: Sorry about that. But in lieu of that, you should have been able to work on a Timed Research set that rewarded them also, along with this year's.

Ash: The tasks really needed some work, but I got them done. They almost seemed to go on forever when I talked about them to your friends.

Me: That's OK. The more the merrier.

Goh: It's good that there's at least more than one way to do things.

Me: You're right about that. Speaking of Research, I arranged a special (paid) task meeting with Professor Willow and Rhi from the Ultra Recon Squad - titled "December Community Day 2022" - so you can get a few more assisting items for me.

Ash: That worked out great! Enjoy the items - there are some good ones in there.

Me: Will do, thanks. Since this is the end-of-year edition, it would be fitting if we have every general bonus under the sun - and we should. There would be doubled XP, Stardust, and Candy for captures, doubled Candy XL chance, and extended Lure Modules and Incense during the "prime hours" of 2 PM to 5 PM, plus discounted trades and an extra Special Trade for half a day each day.

Ash: I got a lot out of those bonuses for you!

Me: I'm sure you did. We have to try to make use of them as much as we can.

Goh: I guess with all of the Pokémon up there, if we evolve them, we can get all the exclusive moves like with previous ones.

Ash: I did get them. I chose the best ones for you, especially from the ones I caught yesterday and today.

Me: I expect no less. OK, now as to why I chose to send you today and not myself, the reasons are long and varied, but the most important one is getting together with my friends, having a good time, and getting a few goodies, like it has been all throughout this year. How was that?

Ash: We had a great time! It was in a covered place around many buildings, but I didn't mind taking it easy and not doing a lot of walking. We still got to catch many Pokémon with the Incense and Lure Modules.

Goh: Oh, I wish I could have seen that.

Ash: I have a picture. Here you go:

Goh: That is festive. It seems it keeps getting more and more crowded each time.

Me: With all the people, it seems a given that more and more are flocking back to capture Pokémon.

Ash: Some people caught a Roggenrola with the best stats - and I did too! It wasn't Shiny for me, but one person did get a Shiny one.

Pikachu: Pika! Pika chu. ["Neat! Very nice."]

Goh: That must have been spectacular! It must have been a commotion when that happened.

Me: It usually is, when that happens.

Ash: I evolved a few more Pokémon that you think you might need, but mostly today I just caught to add to what you already have.

Me: That's perfectly fine. So, I'm glad that you got to experience this one too, the Community Day at the end of the year.

Ash: Yeah! It's a really great one with all the Pokémon, not just one.

Goh: A lot of things do happen in the year, even with all the Pokémon that break out.

Me: And they'll keep happening next year too. Whether or not you're able to join in, there should always be something to keep us going for Pokémon.

Ash: I gotta thank you for making things happen! You did a great job yourself this year with all that you have.

Goh: You're absolutely right. If it continues to turn out like what we talked about this year, who knows what next year will have?

Me: We can only find out. Enjoy the rest of this year, and let's let the next year unfold.

Three years ago: A Cosplay Departure
Four years ago: Screenplay Writing
Five years ago: Good (Life)Times, Again

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