Thursday, December 29, 2022

The Answer for Two and Two

The answer for 1+1 is not always 2
Another matter related to my Pokémon blogging that I want to touch on is the "yearly themes" I possess and did establish for this year, as in this post. It has mathematical and numerical references, especially pertaining to the year number in question. Philosophically, though, it might be considered to be more than that, especially with how this year had turned out. For that, I offer a certain comment made by a certain musician as above, to guide the discussion of how this year turned out, given the theme that I posed earlier on.

As a matter of philosophy, it may be that the individual parts of something add up to more than the sum of the parts. To illustrate a Pokémon example, a Nidoking and Nidoqueen get together and beget more Nidoran offspring; that's an example of one plus one adding up to many, affirming the quote above philosophically. A more abstract example is the two versions of a traditional main series Pokémon game becoming something more significant, like the Scarlet and Violet games this year revealing their inner secrets and outer achievements. But then that's not exactly "two and two".

What is exactly "two and two" is "four", being the operative word that describes the generation that relates to the Sinnoh region and then Hisui, the latter being the region of Legends: Arceus, the main series spinoff Pokémon game that was released this year. And that has become established as a good thing, even in visual quality compared to the new generation games. It may seem that Game Freak had "added up" the formula correctly for this game and it may deserve to be "added on" through a future installment, making it a series with two kinds.

While that occurs, Pokémon Go and Pokémon Unite keep on adding on and on with more and more new content, and they are also adding up to become the new competitive pantheon of Pokémon games, also adding on this year with a renewed edition of the competition. Together, the "duo" are adding up "two" and even more, becoming something (or things) that are even more than just their parts. In the future, their competitions are likely to add on as the games themselves add on further improvements to be able to do so.

Personally, I've been able to add to my own achievements in my efforts to promote my appreciation of and interest in Pokémon. This even involved getting two prizes on the same day at a convention, which is totally unprecedented and has been a truly additive experience. Of course, I can't and shouldn't be completely satisfied with that, and I'd have to find ways to add on to that, which certainly needs to continue with Pokémon. Events and conventions will still add on and add to that, and then I'd have to find ways of making them add up for me.

Per the above, it seems that the philosophical workings of the above comment are definitely affirmed to be in play, in particular for Pokémon things this year. While two and two do mathematically equal four, as the "two" things pertain to different things, the results may just be more than what is expected - hopefully good for the most part. Even this post may have its semblance of "twos" for the most astute of readers of this blog. What is clear is that in this year of "twos", a lot more has resulted beyond mere arithmetics, even with Pokémon considered.

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