Friday, December 30, 2022

Someday, Soon...

Someday out of the blue
In a crowded street
Or a deserted square
I'll turn and I'll see you
As if our love were new
Someday we can start again, someday soon...
-- "Someday Out of the Blue", Elton John 

As usual, I reserve this post at the end at the year for a song that captures the experiences and sentiments of my and others' Pokémon (blogging) journey over the course of that time, and this year, the song as above is what does just that. It's actually the "love theme" for an animated feature that is only very distantly related to Pokémon, but ignoring or removing the animated feature link entirely, it's still a very touching pop song, and that is what I consider it as. I've had the song in mind for a couple of months now, actually, but I thought the sentiments would continue to apply very well over the remainder of the year... and that seems to be very well the case, which is why I opted to save it for the end of the year, and now the time has come for its discussion.

With the original context removed, the song is still a very nice love song, and in fact, it has shown up in the rotation of certain adult contemporary radio stations when they play love songs. The "love" that is addressed is a lost love and/or a memory of such a love, and that is evident in the verses (not quoted above). Meanwhile, the choruses - of which the first one is quoted above - speak of the recollection of such a love and the desire to restart or relive that love. Romantically, it's a sensible message, given how love comes and goes, perhaps even in the past few years. Adding back the context of the animated feature, it continues to make sense as its plot is about the discovery of lost ruins and the forced departure from those ruins. That may be likened to lost love as above, as well as the Pokémon things that have happened throughout this year.

Some people may become nostalgic if they happened to participate in the summer Pokémon Go events and/or the World Championships, which had restarted this year; they're great moments no matter how they turned out, and those people may want to relive them with just as good if not better results. The release of new games over the course of this year has provided a wealth of new moments, and I'm sure more than a few fans would like to relive those past moments or even rediscover similar ones in the future. Toward the end of this year, there has also been an astonishing revelation for a certain Pokémon matter; it will, in a few months, incite a reminiscing of things like never before. It seems... that might be the case... for me, eventually? Anyway, all of the above embody the spirits of the song in many different ways.

The thing that ties together the animated feature to which this song is tied to and Pokémon is a sense of adventure, one that is gained in the moment but can (gradually) disappear from memory as time passes by. Aside from both, love - romantic or otherwise - may have the same nature or characteristic. The song calls to that and then makes the call for reminiscence and recall in hopes that one day, the same moments may be relived in some manner. If anything, this year has had plenty of Pokémon moments that may just deserve to be reminisced or recalled before reliving them, and my senses have been appropriate to shelve this song until it came to discuss it now, near the end of this year. And someday soon, reminiscence may very well be at hand.

One year ago: ...Is There Still Time?
Two years ago: Return to Believe
Three years ago: (Extra-)Ordinary Days
Four years ago: One Day, in Life
Five years ago: When I See You Again

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