Thursday, December 8, 2022

Quickies: Snorlax on the Road

Every now and then, I seem to be guided to discuss something about the big Pokémon with the big sleeping habits, which would be Snorlax. So it happened last month when I discussed its physical tendencies, in part related to how I was feeling at the time. And this time, I'm apt to do it again, this time for its behavioral tendencies instead. It is known that Snorlax frequently goes on (or at the least through) roads to travel... but it also blocks the very same roads it goes on or through by sleeping on them. It's a certain behavior that's rather consequential.

For many people, such an action would be a rather grave nuisance, as it would mean making a detour around them, which could mean the long way around or an extreme path, or even seeking the Poké Flute to get rid of it entirely. For children who don't know any better, the Snorlax might just be a venue for playing around until it gets rid of itself or someone gets rid of it by the Poké Flute as above. Yet then that prepares the cycle to start all over again in the place  of the road where Snorlax may decide to lay its immense body next.

Today, I've received reports of people blocking roads for protesting their cause, something that has been relentless for a few weeks now. The way they do it seems to be much like how Snorlax does it, though in a fully conscious state and being almost impervious to something like a Poké Flute. It's a good thing they don't have Pokémon, else they might ask for those who have Snorlax and have them do what they do with all the consequences that follow. Even after their dispersal, there may be no telling when or how they might come back - just like Snorlax.

Such is the way of a Snorlax; it eats what it wills, it travels where it may, and it blocks roads much to the chagrin of the people - until something happens or is done to move it away from its blockage spot. People can do the same as well in light of the above, though fortunately most are not of the same mind as Snorlax, or don't have a Snorlax to begin with, which could make things worse. Still, Snorlax goes on, the people go on, and I go on, until the next time we cross paths... hopefully without the intent to block them.

Two years ago: Popular Poké-Shipping
Three years ago: Pieces of a Pokémon Life
Five years ago: (Un)finished Business

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