Saturday, December 8, 2018

Cosplay: IJF - Cosplayer Rising Star


My friend likes to send me to theme events on a whim, and that's what he did today. He had a choice to send me today or tomorrow, and he chose to send me today. That's because this event is really a two-day one... oh, I'm sorry my friend, it's actually a five-day one! But yeah, the only days that matter for us are today and tomorrow, and my friend could only deal with either one, and not both. It's also a far event, so that's a big problem too.

Actually, my friend had been wanting to send me to this one for a couple of years now, but then it always seems to conflict with some other event. We're lucky that this time it isn't, so we decided that it was now or never. It does seem like it's a good event based on what we were told, so that was the main reason for sending me here. Another is of course to meet characters and people who my friend likes to talk to.

There is yet another strong reason why I was sent today: the competitions are double, and on the other day, there are none. There was a singing competition and a character parade today, and... I didn't get in the singing competition. We found out that it was just too late to get in. But that's what happens when we only find out about things too suddenly, and that's what happened for this event. I did get to take part in the character parade, and that was great. The people that helped make it happen did seem to feel a bit overwhelmed, though, and I couldn't stay to find out about the results. Maybe I wasn't meant to.

The event seems a bit small, since it was held in a food court and just used the things that were there. Even a band that my friend really likes just used what was there, though they still sounded great. It's also only the day before the big last day, so it might be more crowded when it gets to that point. Next time, I have to come back when it's the big day.

My friend and I did get word on what we miss on the big day. We would be seeing a few bands, and that's good. We'd be seeing a few characters doing what they do, and one of them would be named a big star - this is impressive, but it doesn't apply to me or my friend. And we'd also be seeing a person we met just recently... *sigh* That would be the biggest thing we'd miss.

Pikachu: Pika chu! [comforting]

Yeah, maybe next time we'll see him, whenever that is. As for "next time" for this theme event, maybe that needs some thinking over. My friend and I will think it over as we keep doing our stuff.


One year ago: (Un)finished Business

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