Sunday, December 11, 2022

Cosplay: CHoCoDays 2022 - FUNDOME

Goh: Wow, two events in two days!

Me: Actually, this one is a convention, but yeah, it's a matter of terminology. Since Goh wasn't involved last time, let me make a reminder that the convention is about comics, hobbies, and characters - as reflected in the name.

Ash: All right, it's back! Awesome!

Pikachu: Pi pika! ["Very nice!"]

Me: I knew you'd be excited for this one given our connections.

Goh: It really means something to you, huh.

Me: This one goes back years, well before you, Goh, appeared.

Ash: Yeah! It was the first time my friend sent me far away - and it still is, right?

Me: Right, so we've got to take advantage of it. You're of course in the character parade, and this time, you're also in the singing competition, here titled... "Fun Karaoke". Think of it as payback for last time.

Goh: So it'll be fun!

Me: I hope so. Let's make it even more fun with... "XY&Z"!!

Ash: Awesome!! I finally get to try it out in competition! I want to make up for the last performance too.

Me: Of course, that will take your Kalos outfit, so that's what it is for the character parade too.

Ash: Sure! Let's just keep things simple.

Goh: So what's the convention like?

Me: Well, it should have lots of community and merchandise booths, and some food stands to boot.

Ash: That's exactly what I saw!

Me: Are there any interesting ones you saw?

Ash: Your tile game friends opened up a booth. I played a game with them. It wasn't too good for me, but the booth was OK. Then there was just the usual merchandise, games, and other things.

Me: How about entertainment?

Ash: Bands and dance covers. I even got to talk with your band friends at the end!

Me: Oh nice, thank you! So it's more or less the usual. Considering what happened three years ago, they might be using the same place, but they need to make things more open. How was it this time?

Ash: Well... they are in the same place, and it was still like last time. But they did organize it a little better - and they even rented the theater next door!

Me: Wait, the theater? That is different.

Ash: They said they need it for two community stage plays and a concert.

Goh: Did you see them?

Ash: I didn't. They all ran together with the character parade and band in the other building. But that's a good thing - if we had paid for them, we would need to watch them.

Goh: I would tend to agree.

Ash: The theater was also needed for the fun karaoke.

Goh: Neat! How was that?

Ash: We had a briefing, and everyone got told what to do for the competition, and we got to check how the music sounded like with our vocals. Some people even had a video to go with their song. I had just a background - but it was lucky it matched!

Me: You got the "royal treatment" for this one. Few singing competitions even do or have all of those, if at all. But most importantly - how did you do?

Ash: I really had it this time! You should have heard it. But I got a friend to record the performance, so you can check it out later.

Me: I will do just that, thanks.

Goh: Oh, and then there's the character parade.

Ash: Oh yeah! It turns out everyone could participate if they came on time.

Me: I had signed you up earlier, but before the convention, I couldn't check whether it went through or not.

Ash: It went through! I saw it.

Me: Oh great! Thanks for checking. But with the way that it was actually, there must have been a hundred characters or more.

Goh: It must have been like a lottery.

Me: Good point, which brings me to the point of all of this: how did you do in both competitions?

Ash: OK, you won't believe this, but... Best 5 in the Fun Karaoke!! The prize is equal for all five winners.

Pikachu: Pika pika chu!! ["Excellent!!"]

Me: OMG!! This is our first top prize win for singing ever! This is so great!

Goh: And... the character parade...

Ash: You won't believe this either, but... I was selected as one of the best by John Switch!!


Me: WHAT!? Two prizes in one day! This is incredible! This is our best day ever!

Goh: It seems you had the best time sending Ash ever too.

Ash: Yeah! This was our best time ever!

Pikachu: Pi pika! ["Agreed!"]

Me: It's amazing how even with few changes, the enjoyment was far magnified for this convention. The cherry on top was us winning the two prizes. And of course, it became a meeting place for many friends, right?

Ash: Right! I saw your fan girl, one of your best friends with a friend of his own, and even made a couple of new friends.

Me: Excellent! This convention truly lives up to its name, to gather and enjoy with others our many enjoyments, especially for us this edition. Much can still be improved, but right now, we have much to thank to it for a good day and great times.

Ash, Goh: Hear, hear!

Pikachu: Pika, pika! ["We agree!"]

Three years ago: Rethinking Game Linkages
Five years ago: Pikachu Head Collectibles

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