Saturday, December 17, 2022

Cosplay: IR X'Mas + Cosplay Party

Me: Well, as I've said. It's a surprisingly busy month for events, Pokémon or otherwise.

Goh: Boy, when they go for it, they go for it.

Me: This month seems to be a way of getting back for all those times that events and conventions were absent.

Ash: And I'm here in this one, right?

Me: Right you are.

Pikachu: Chu, pi pika. ["Hmm, interesting."]

Me: Since the event is brief, let's try to make things brief as well for this review. Before this one happens, I sent you on a Pokémon errand. How was that?

Ash: I got things going for you! I hope you like what I caught.

Me: Nice! After that, you should have gotten to the place of the event.

Ash: Oh! I know the place. You've sent me here a few times, the last time for an interesting one.

Goh: Did it have a clothing bazaar like last time?

Ash: It didn't - it seems this one was to celebrate a place to eat that just opened.

Goh: Oh, so a different purpose, but the same place.

Ash: But it looks like it has the same people as the club event I was sent to last month - even almost the same way things were held!

Me: That can't be a coincidence. To have the same things be held the same way, there must have been coordination.

Pikachu: Pika, pika chu pika. ["Yes, there had to be."]

Me: Speaking of, I tried to coordinate you for the singing competition but I was too late for that, sorry. So once again it's just the character parade, and like last time, it's something I don't have to break out.

Ash: My Kalos outfit! That's just fine. I'll do what I can.

Goh: I want to know what it's like before you got to do your stuff.

Ash: It was crowded when I was called to the backstage. The dance group was there, the place to eat was there - I think they were trying to cook live - and the characters were there.

Goh: Don't you think they were trying to do too much at once?

Me: That's definitely a sign. Things must have run late.

Ash: It did. I saw the schedule. Everything ended up late by an hour.

Me: Well, it can't be helped. How were things on stage?

Ash: I think I did just fine. But I didn't win anything.

Me: I guess that's to be expected when we're on short notice. Anything else I should know about?

Ash: I tagged along with more of your friends again. We had a nice time with everything!

Pikachu: Pika! ["Yeah!"]

Goh: How many friends do you have?

Me: A lot. If I told you, you probably wouldn't believe.

Ash: And this was a "X'Mas" party, so the entertainment had some of that.

Goh: Isn't it a little too early?

Me: It seems people are never too early for anything. So the verdict for this one is...

Ash: It was good! But it could be a lot better.

Goh: Maybe trimming things down a bit would help.

Me: Both of these I would agree with. Now, I want to go back to that Pokémon errand. For that, it actually continues tomorrow. Are you ready for that?

Ash: Sure!

Me: Make sure to get your Poké Balls ready.

One year ago: Pokémon Lectures?
Two years ago: Quibbles with Candy XL
Four years ago: Raid Dramas
Five years ago: Hoenn Pokémon Are Go!

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