Saturday, December 3, 2022

Outfit Varieties for Pokémon Go Characters?

During the previous Season of Light, something interesting happened to the team leaders in Pokémon Go, along with Professor Willow after his return in the previous previous season. They all wore different outfits than what people have known thus far. That has been a source of some criticism, but others may have enjoyed their new look to some extent, including me. It also prompts a necessary thought: can they receive more outfit varieties? This thought is what I'd like to expound on in this post.

Their outfits in the previous season may be described as their "adventure" outfits, in contrast to their regular "formal" outfits - especially that of the Professor, as his lab coat. The former outfits look more simplistic and support more movement, at least seemingly more so than the latter; those who cosplay might be able to attest. With the way that last season played out, affairs of the last season really needed movement, and so the change in outfit was as necessary as it was appropriate.

As for other outfits, in the same sense as the above, they could be appropriate for the season. For next year's "summer fest", for example, they might have the "adventure" outfits back again, or they might have something totally new, celebratory, and perhaps a little bit Eastern for that purpose. If not for a whole season, they might have outfits for specific events that may only differ slightly from their regular outfits; in either case, it will also likely depend on their collective whims. Many possibilities remain.

For other characters, they ought to be fine as they are. Team Go Rocket in particular don't really need more outfits to establish their presence - the way they look already establishes a kind of unwanted presence anyhow, including the leaders with their "anti-team" qualities. Rhi from the Ultra Beast Recon Squad also can't really change outfits either, as the outfit is part of his presence in the world. In the end, it's fine that characters like the above stay as they are and possibly not to present further confusion.

Presently, as of this season, the team leaders and the Professor have switched back to their regular outfits, which should satisfy those who like the status quo. Yet the outfits that were presented in the previous season does present an intriguing possibility, being that they can change into certain outfits when the occasion strikes. Further instances of these might have to be planned and thought out carefully, but it's nice to know that these same characters for all these years can have the ability to look rather different.

Three years ago: For Want of an EX Raid
Five years ago: Fallen Comrades

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