Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Wallpaper: 20th Movie - Remember and Continue

There are two things that are long overdue in regard to me and desktop wallpapers: me wanting to change it, and the concept of the wallpaper that I wanted to change it to. Just a little while ago, I was able to finalize the latter, which enabled me to realize the former by actually creating the wallpaper. And I dare say, it's one of the simplest but most profound wallpaper creations I've ever made.

The title of this wallpaper is "Remember and Continue". The "continue" part is clear: this is meant as a rib on the "To Be Continued" screen present in much of the early episodes of the Pokémon anime. This is married with the more recent 20th movie, which itself is an interpretation or nod to the Kanto part of these earlier episodes, especially the first episode of the anime (see below). For that, I selected a scene that would best represent the concept to be shown in the upper-left portion, which contains what would be the final scene of the episode. And to indicate the relationship, I placed the English logo of the movie on the upper right, while the appropriate disclaimers are placed above the scene, to not disturb the aesthetics of the concept. Now it's clear why this concept is long overdue; I intended to make this not long after the movie had been shown, but time got away from me, and I was only able to finalize it recently.

As for the "remember" part, that has to do with the Latin phrase that I've placed where the "To Be Continued" phrase is supposed to be. The phrase is a portion from Vergil's Aeneid, Book I, line 202, which means as written in the handwriting font on the bottom-right of the phrase: "perhaps at some time it will be a pleasure to remember these things", wherein "meminisse" is the Latin part that means "to remember", which completes the concept. There are many moments in the Pokémon anime for which this phrase could apply, but I've chosen this one for its relatively recent occurrence. Given the point at which this scene occurs, it seems to be rather an appropriate statement for the ones in the scene and the ones watching the scene.

This wallpaper was relatively simple to create due to its concept. It's neither typographically or pictorially complex, and the resources were sufficiently available to realize the wallpaper. It's not supposed to be any more complex than it should be, because that would detract from the concept, which is a reinterpretation of the screen from the anime. It does make me wonder why it took me this long to realize it.

Nevertheless, this long-overdue wallpaper has finally been realized. The concept may be a bit simple and slightly quirky, but the way it is, it's sufficiently meaningful and profound, just like how the movie itself is profound. This particular Pokémon movie is something that I'll surely remember; with this particular wallpaper, I'm even more inspired to remember... and continue, of course, with Pokémon.

One year ago: The First: Episode 001 - "Pokémon - I Choose You!"

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