Wednesday, December 6, 2023

On Raid Problems and Their Compensation

Today I ran into a classic issue in Pokémon Go during Raid Hour as is typical on a Wednesday. I went into a raid that was nearly about to end thinking that all should be fine, but it turned out that I couldn't rejoin after all my initial Pokémon fainted (the rejoin prompt showed a white screen where nothing happens even if the timer runs out, and restarting the game was useless because the raid had ended by then). This classic issue does have a partial reprieve in that compensation may be sought for it, and it's a matter I'd like to discuss for its refinement.

Before talking about the "should", it's important to note the "could". The way to initiate the process is to submit a complaint by way of the help system and the Remy chat bot (Poké Ball Menu > Settings > Help > speech balloon icon), describing the issue when prompted with as much detail as possible, including a relevant screenshot. After review, the complaint should be honored and the compensation should be given. It is this point that I would then like to refine.

For this purpose, the compensation will take the form of the raid pass used to battle in the raid (a premium pass for in-person raids and a remote pass otherwise). The compensation is feasible for having another stab at things, whether presently or at another time; it's also more or less equivalent. Still, it seems some people might be more than fed up, and in that case, the hypothetical offering of options for compensation could be just something to consider. Even so, this would just be another sticking point of ways that are already set, and the hypothesis can only remain as such.

Of course, one can theoretically make a self-compensation, by reserving that which was given for compensation for a different purpose (here, the pass for another raid) and diverting a related resource for that compensation. With ever-changing item bonus packs in boxes, it should be possible to do so with certain items that are being offered, and in this way, the form of the given compensation won't matter much because of it being adapted to a different purpose from what it was originally intended for.

In any case, the fact remains that compensation is deserved and should be sought; whatever form it may take is another matter and may be an open question for adaptation depending on the situation. With the way raids are, it might not be long before I run into a similar situation as in the beginning and have to seek and demand compensation, after which it becomes up to my own terms for what I would like to do with it.

One year ago: It's a Rotom World
Two years ago: Creatures of the Land
Four years ago: Time of Posting
Six years ago: Watching and Re-Watching

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