Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Let's Talk About When Money Talks

Goh: Oh, a "Let's Talk" today?

Me: Um... yeah. There are reasons - but we'll get to those later.

Ash: OK, we're game.

Pikachu: Pika chu. ["I am too."]

Me: Now, I'm sure you two are familiar with the expression "money talks".

Ash: Sure! Um...

Goh: It's when money affects what you do and how you do things.

Ash: Yeah! What Goh said.

Me: Sure enough. Sometimes people - even me - are swayed by money for different things, leading them to do certain things and not others. For example, in my world, there are people who dedicate trying to keep saved money safe.

Goh: That has to be a tough job.

Me: But when they do what they do, then our money really does talk. And this will be important in a little bit, also for Ash.

Ash: Oh, OK.

Me: Outside of that, I'm sure there have been times that money talked for Ash.

Ash: Like when I decide to get a Scone instead of a Malasada when it's cheaper?

Goh: Typical, thinking with food.

Ash: Sorry about that.

Me: Yes, that would count - maybe food talked as well. What about you, Goh?

Goh: I guess... I might consider one kind of research more than another based on what I'd give and what I get.

Me: You know, I'd do that too back in my day. Of course, money shouldn't talk us badly or into bad things. I'm sure you're familiar with Team Rocket by now.

Ash, Goh: Yeah.

Me: For them, money must really talk in nefarious ways.

Ash: Like with their Pokémon machine from Pelipper!

Goh: Never mind that, there's also the way they treat Pokémon in general.

Pikachu: Pi-ka. ["Oh dear."]

Me: Anyway, today I sent Ash to certain places for certain things, one of which was for that "saved money" thing. How'd that go?

Ash: The people there didn't talk money at all, but I guess they said what they want to say about that. But their money just didn't talk to us, from what I heard.

Me: I see. No need to say more. The rest is just between you and me.

Goh: I think I can see where this is going. But I understand.

Me: Which is why I then led you to go on raids with a few friends for Kyurem. That must have gone better.

Ash: Much better! I got two Shiny ones for you.

Goh: Impressive.

Me: Well, I guess the money talked.

Pikachu: Pika pika chu. ["In a way."]

Me: So, from what we talked about, we can let money talk - but we shouldn't let it talk us into bad things.

Goh: Makes a lot of sense.

Ash: I'm with you on that one!

Me: Still, it seems soon I will need to make some of my money talk to help me get through a technology problem that came back.

Ash: Oh man. Not again.

Goh: Seems you can't get a break, huh.

Me: I'd love to let my money talk for such a "break", if I could.

Goh: If you can, I'm sure you can make it happen. Same for the problem you have. You'll get through this!

Ash: I'm totally with Goh on this one! You can make 'em talk - and make your money talk too.

Pikachu: Pika! ["Yes!"]

Me: Thanks. Let's close up this discussion before money talks me - or us - out of other things.

Two years ago: Merchandise over Games?
Four years ago: Sitting Pikachu Keychain
Six years ago: Movie Manga!

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