Saturday, December 23, 2023

Cosplay: CHoCoDays 2023 - 10th Anniversary

Me: And we're here, finally. After it's been previewed, no less.

Ash: All right! It's CHoCoDays!

Pikachu: Pika chu pika! ["Awesome!"]

Goh: Nice! But... it's on a Saturday?

Me: I should explain that. A long, long time ago, this convention used to be a two-day affair, but a few years later (around the time Japan Culture Daisuki picked it up) it got reduced to just a day. This year, though, it's different.

Goh: So... it's the 10th anniversary this year!

Me: Indeed it is. But I couldn't send Ash to the first one way, way back then. If you remember, I sent you only the next year.

Ash: Yeah! I think I do. I remember seeing Otaku Band for the first time there.

Me: You remember. OK, so for this one, they've gone back to their roots and made this convention two days, meaning that today is the first day.

Ash: And you're only sending me for this one. 

Me: That is the plan. But I have to say, this plan has grown quite complex from what I thought it would be. For starters, you also need this in addition to your Journeys outfit.

Ash: Hey, this outfit...

Goh: Wait... two outfits?

Me: Um... uh-huh. And you'll notice the place is also different from last time, but the same as a few years back.

Ash: Oh, it's the mall from the toys convention! But we're all the way upstairs just like back then.

Me: But that's the usual thing for many conventions here. One other thing for now: you get free entry today where we usually have to pay.

Ash: All right! I claimed it just like you told me to.

Goh: Free entry? You two must be up to something.

Me: Trust me on this. OK, so let's go through the schedule.

Goh: Sure, I have it with me. Looking at it, it seems the morning was musical.

Ash: There was a radio show and a DJ.

Goh: OK, that explains that. But then in the afternoon...

Ash: Two bands, plus a mix of idols (with a competition) and fashion. I felt strange with one of the bands, like I know them but I don't.

Goh: That works out too. Well, maybe except for that band.

Ash: And then the character parade.

Goh: Of course, that's with the Journeys outfit. How'd that go?

Ash: Only four winners out of so many characters (over 50)... and I didn't win.

Goh: Yeah, that's tough.

Me: That's a practical lottery. I'm sure others felt they could have won.

Goh: I'm sure that's the case.

Me: We can forget about it, then. Also, almost forgot: through all that, did you raid for a few Wyrdeer? It's a Pokémon beyond our times.

Ash: I got a few, but no Shiny ones.

Goh: Oh, another extra Pokémon agenda.

Me: Indeed. That's just fine - maybe it wasn't meant to be today. Anyhow, the character parade was what I originally intended mainly to send you here for. But there's a twist this time.

Ash, Goh: A twist?

Me: Yes! Ash, you will need to change into your formal outfit immediately after the character parade for what's up next. This is the very first time I'm doing so, unusually at that, and for a good reason.

Goh: The next thing up is... "Weeb's Choice Awards"?!

Me: Yup! This essentially became the main thing today. Thanks to me sending Ash to events all the time, we're nominated for the "Weeb of the Events" award for my area. That's the reason for the free entry.

Goh: Oh my! This is big.

Me: It should be. They even made it semi-formal, and they really wanted us - Ash, in this case - to dress up. So I had to make it happen. Fortunately, I didn't have to get many things for this purpose.

Ash: I can see that! Thanks!

Pikachu: Pika pika chu! ["Thank you!"]

Me: You're very welcome. Enough of the background - what happened at the awarding?

Ash: Everyone looked spiffy! They had a red carpet and everything - just like a real awards show!

Pikachu: Pi pika pika chu! ["Really nice!"]

Goh: Well, they really did pull out all the stops, didn't they? How many awards do they give out?

Me: Ten, including what we're in for. I'm told they got inspired by a similar awarding in the region next to mine.

Goh: It was adapted! But then anything with awards have to be.

Me: You have a point. So... did anyone familiar win the other awards?

Ash: Yeah! A few of our character friends.

Goh: But... What about us?

Ash: WE WON!!

Pikachu: PIKA PIKA CHU!!

Me: OMG!! I'm told that the award's just for fun, so it's not like last year's wins that meant a lot more for us, including for getting on with life.

Goh: But you know, it means that you two really appealed to a lot of people.

Me: You're so right, Goh. And I hope that will always be the case.

Goh: What about the rest of the day?

Ash: Just a character stage performance, dance competition awards, and the karaoke group.

Goh: OK, the usual around here. Also, this is a convention, so you must have seen many booths, right?

Ash: I did. A few looked interesting but I didn't get things from them.

Me: We can always get them next time. In any case, after 10 years and a lot of changes, it's still the success that it is.

Goh: Maybe you helped it become that way?

Me: Perhaps. Speaking of, we've successfully completed four busy Saturdays, and I don't foresee dealing with a fifth even if one comes up. Plus, I already have a slew of things to write about next week, not involving us.

Goh: So, I guess this is our last discussion of the year, since next week is the last week.

Me: Pretty much. So you two can relax for now.

Ash: OK! Thanks a lot.

Pikachu: Pi! ["OK!"]

Goh: The next ones should be interesting.

Me: As interesting as this event of 10 years and counting. See you soon.

Four years ago: December for Love
Six years ago: Perspective

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