Sunday, October 15, 2023

Cosplay: Road to CHoCoDays 10th

Goh: Wait, two days in a row?

Me: Indeed, and there's more to come.

Ash: It's CHoCoDays! But... it's earlier...? 

Pikachu: Pika? ["What's up?"]

Me: In a way, yes. But it isn't the actual convention itself; it's more like a prelude. And if the convention is usually far away, this prelude is actually closer to me, so I have less of a problem sending Ash.

Goh: Oh, I see here that... Japan Culture Daisuki is the organizer?

Me: They have been, for many years now. This convention started out as an independent thing, but then it got folded into their lineup.

Ash: That's why it's so great year after year!

Me: Yeah, Ash can attest. So, this prelude takes place...

Ash: ...where Utsuru was! It even looked almost the same, with community booths, a stage, and food stands.

Goh: Well, the organizer's the same, so that was coming a mile away.

Ash: Our friend sent me with my Unova outfit like yesterday, and I had some fun for a couple of hours. But then...

Me: Ah, yes. You weren't able to attend this one fully, because I had a special Pokémon assignment for you, and you had to go somewhere else for that.

Goh: So that's why you didn't discuss competitions at the beginning.

Me: Exactly. Now, you have the schedule, and there's a character parade at... what time?

Goh: It says 3:30 PM.

Me: That's smack-dab in the middle of the special Pokémon assignment - whether or not it might run late - so no way Ash can take care of both at the same time.

Ash: I can think of a way!

Pikachu: Pi pika...! ["Wait, um...!"]

Ash: But I think Pikachu is also right. I don't think it might work.

Goh: And this is a popular convention, so it's a character lottery anyway.

Me: Obviously it is. We'll discuss the special Pokémon assignment tomorrow, but in the meantime, we can try to figure out the convention by the schedule and whatever Ash observed and did. So, according to the schedule, we had...

Goh: Bands, dance groups, and a karaoke group. The usual.

Ash: I met the karaoke group at their booth. They let me sing "Pokémon Theme" and a song from a school idol group.

Goh: Interesting. Will our friend make you sing that last one at another time?

Me: Don't get your hopes up. That's something really obscure - even if it does sound good - and it's an even harder sell than even the "straw hat song". Ash and I need to focus on Pokémon first if possible.

Goh: I understand completely. OK, were there other communities you and our friend were interested in?

Ash: Not much else, just that one.

Goh: I see. Were you able to get back after the special assignment?

Ash: I could, and I could just catch the last dance group and the karaoke group. And meet other people too.

Pikachu: Pika pika chu. ["We just made it."]

Goh: OK, so I guess overall... there's not much more to be said. It's Utsuru 8 part 2, or a local edition of CHoCoDays.

Ash: Haha - well, I guess both are true!

Me: If you put it that way, then we didn't miss much by sending you to the special Pokémon assignment. And you two are absolutely right.

Goh: By the way, what's the "10th" for?

Me: I want to say, but let's save it for when we make it to the actual convention.

Ash: One of your friends also went to the special Pokémon thing after going to the convention.

Me: Well, I guess now we need to wrap things up about the convention and discuss the special assignment next.

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