Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Mission Bingo in Café Remix

For those who have continued to play Pokémon Café Remix, it might have been possible to notice that the events have become more "radical", in a way. They've become more demanding and more connected, though also more rewarding in that regard. One way that occurs is through a new event format or more appropriately "aggregator", and it's called Mission Bingo. As a system, similar ones are present in certain games beyond the realm of Pokémon, but the implementation in Café Remix is certainly one of a kind.

As it's called Mission Bingo, the system indeed involves boards of this kind of game, and in typical fashion to this game, rewards are gained as spaces are marked off and lines are cleared. Each space contains an objective of some kind, and when completed, the space is marked off. By marking off all spaces and clearing all lines, the board is cleared and the best possible rewards are obtained. It sounds like it might become demanding at times, and that is exactly what happens.

The system or format made its debut late last month, and it became concurrent with two other events: Jolteon's Halloween with a currency-based One-Minute Cooking format, and Flareon's Halloween with a team-based format. Some of the objectives demand achievement of certain things in the events (like certain scores in the former, or certain levels in the latter), both of which required some rather intensive play. The current Mission Bingo, meanwhile, is effectively an event of its own - Vaporeon's Halloween - and the rewards tie into that.

It's easy to see why this event format is both an "aggregator" and an event in its own right. It is able to link the separate events mentioned above and furnish its own rewards as is true of any rightful event. Going through the event means going through a "double duty", but this also means a sense of doubled achievement instead of going through each of the events individually and getting the impression that the effort is singly directed at certain rewards. It is efficient even with its demands.

Now that Mission Bingo has been implemented, it adds on to the tasks of players. At the same time, though, they may already be tasks that are required to be completed in order to progress through current events, so the effort may not be wasted at all. It's still a "radical" effort for what it is, creating more weight for and linkages among events, but it also serves them well with its own additional rewards. That much should be the justification for its inclusion as an additional framework - literally.

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