Thursday, October 19, 2023

Changing Map Elements in Pokémon Unite

Like most modern and portable games, Pokémon Unite goes through progressive updating and stands to benefit from that. One of the ways that happens is by changing the elements of existing maps (in contrast to changing them entirely, as when Theia Sky Ruins was first introduced for Ranked matches). This changing process has occurred once in the past and has in fact had occurred again to different extents. These make for a good discussion, but I also wish to frame them in the context of why the changes occurred.

One of those reasons is to make things fairer. When Theia Sky Ruins was first introduced, the top lane only had a single Sitrus Berry, so if two Pokémon were to occupy the lane - rightfully as with the previous Remoat Stadium map - they would be competing for that Sitrus Berry. As such, this was changed just after this became apparent, to become two Sitrus Berries as has effectively been standardized, and it has stayed that way since - likely because of the evident fairness. Whatever happens, fairness is important, so this was a welcome change.

Even Pokémon Unite is not immune to bugs in maps, which are a consequence of progressive updating. One of those bugs just happened to occur in Shivre City with Electrode. Initially, if Electrode underwent Explosion, the Pokémon that attacked it would still gain points even without defeating it; this was changed so that points are gained only by defeating it outright. It stands to reason, then, that points gained not from defeating Pokémon outright or from the ground is a bug, and therefore the change makes sense as it shouldn't happen.

Another change would be to make the pace manageable. The Catch 'Em map initially had Rotom at the expected places, but this was later changed to a Vespiquen herd. Rotom is actually superfluous with the other two "legend pits" containing Pokémon that can do a similar job. Therefore, this change was for the better, to remove the deduplication and not overwhelm goals with many threats, in addition to actually forcing teams to go into the "legend pits" to take care of the Pokémon there and use them - yet another welcome change.

Meanwhile for a previous change, it was made to heighten tension. In Auroma Park, Abra was initially worth less points, but it was then changed to have the 20/25 points (the latter in the Final Stretch) that it has now. Because it is more valuable now, teams that can take control of it can take control of nearly the whole match, so the heightened tension is there. While it's still a maddening element in matches due to its teleportation, what may be more maddening is a team that can actually make it a leverage for gaining lots of points.

It may be considered that there are many reasons for changing things that are already there in existing maps rather than adding new ones, but if any of the above changes are an indication, an overarching reason is to improve on what's already there without having to utilize totally new concepts (entire maps, specifically). While one may never know what further progressive updating may bring to Pokémon Unite, at least some of that updating directed to current staples may just make them... more of a staple.

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