Sunday, October 22, 2023

Cosplay: Tanoshii Matsuri

Me: OK, so no double event this weekend. But what happens today might be kind of unexpected.

Goh: How's that?

Me: For starters, I kind of didn't expect to be sending Ash here today since I wasn't exactly clear on the agenda, but then I found it was the only thing I could do.

Ash: Hey, if it works!

Pikachu: Pi pika! ["True that!"]

Me: With that aside, Ash will likely find this one rather different as well - or perhaps "unexpected", and there's that word again.

Ash: What can you tell us about it?

Me: So, a department store chain in a mall wanted to appeal to different people, and they...

Goh: ...made a festival event for that.

Me: Yeah, you get the gist. Actually, I'm told that this is the continuation of something that happened while I sent Ash on a different and more special errand.

Ash: Oh! I know what you mean. But the errand came first. 

Me: Of course it did. That first time was unexpected on our end... and it seems this time was too. Anyway, at least you got there.

Ash: I did! It was close to the park for Community Day, so I already knew where it was. And you sent me with my Kanto/Johto outfit because that's what you had open for me.

Me: Yeah, so we have to make do. Speaking of... that would mean "Boku no Best Friend e" for the singing competition and whatever you can muster up for the character parade. Did you get in both of them?

Ash: I just made it in! I thought they were going to hold everything outside, but it turns out the competitions were inside on a small stage - all surrounded by clothes. They seemed to have a different festival outside.

Goh: That's unique - and "unexpected", wouldn't you say?

Me: Indeed. That was unexpected, but then so is the fact that we got in. I thought for sure the doors were closed on us.

Goh: That is extremely lucky. I imagine you'd want to be sure Ash got in first.

Me: Normally yes, that would be the usual way things go down. But I got caught up in a few things, so we had to do this in this way. It's an abnormality - don't expect it to be the usual way.

Ash: I understand.

Goh: So you got in, then... how did you do?

Ash: Hmm, I think I slightly messed up on a few other parts this time. I'm really sorry about that.

Pikachu: Pika... ["Oh no..."]

Me: I get you. I'm sorry about that as well. This is great song and we can stand to do much better on it next time.

Ash: Yeah, I really hope that will happen.

Goh: What about the character parade?

Ash: I think I did just fine. I tried to use the stage that had a stair shape to it.

Goh: So, after all that, how'd they turn out?

Ash: No win. Only three winners in both and many competed too. But a friend of us won instead.

Goh: Well, definitely not our day - except for our friend's friend. Anything else we should know about today?

Ash: Everything did end up moving outside after the character parade, so then it really was a festival.

Goh: Nice! I guess it must be like those few other times. How about other entertainment?

Ash: They had a few games, two dance groups, and a band.

Goh: Oh, that wasn't much.

Ash: But it was really crowded. I'm sure the store had a great buzz from the people who came.

Goh: That's for sure.

Me: In any case, it could be argued that they made things work with little effort and got big results. I wish we could have done the same on our end.

Ash: You did what you could for us! That much is already pretty good. We'll get it next time!

Pikachu: Pika pika. ["For sure."]

Goh: Yeah. Just because it couldn't work out this time doesn't mean it can't the next - it was, as you say, "unexpected".

Ash: But we still need at least some more prep next time. Something to expect.

Me: All good points. While we can only expect the unexpected, if we can have fun like at this festival (which is what the title means, by the way), then anything goes. Good stuff, and hang on tight for the next expected one.

Two years ago: Just Waiting on an Absol
Five years ago: Resilience
Six years ago: Cosplay: Arigatoo...!!!

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