Monday, October 23, 2023

Memories of Unova

It's been a long time since the last post I made in my "memories of" series, which certainly concerns reminiscing personal notable moments of a certain region after the Pokémon of that region has been more or less introduced into Pokémon Go. The previous one was for Sinnoh over four years ago, so the next one in line is certainly Unova. For that, I can ascertain that the introduction process as mentioned above has in fact happened, especially a few months ago with the introduction of a certain species family known for having a certain age relationship through Eggs, aptly enough. With that, it is appropriate that I make this post, no matter what the reasons for protraction are and how long it has been.

As with all posts of this series, there are the games to consider. This generation was a "mold breaker" in a way, as its story was told over two sets of two games: the original Black and White and the sequels Black 2 and White 2. The former of these felt like an "attempted reboot" of sorts, although over the course of the two sets of games, they ended up just being another, greater part of the world of Pokémon. While I was making sense of these games, I was also still making sense of the friends whom I had newly found and who also supported me in dealing with these games. The storylines of the games have some depth to them, as one of those friends warned me, and I found that to be true; this was something that helped cement our bond, as did playing the games.

Then there was the anime. Like the Sinnoh saga, the Unova saga also came in pieces to me and had to be pieced together. The initial moments also left a profound feeling of newfound appreciation - or maybe "found again" - and that still persists after I haven't been watching. Fittingly, this saga also provided me with the second outfit set for Ash that I completed, in part thanks to that appreciation. It too has the memorable first opening theme, which also happens to be the other half of the set that gave me my first win in a singing competition. All told, this saga has a number of interesting episodes as well, which I've also covered separately on this blog. Regardless of what happened during this saga, it is (or was) still a fascinating one.

Unova might be one of the most significant regions for me to make a "memories of" post, but then so are all the regions I've featured in them so far. On that note, the next few regions might be a bit less significant in stature - and might take a bit longer before I can feature them in this post series due to the piecemeal nature of their Pokémon Go appearance - but I can assure that they'll be featured when it's time for them to be featured. Then, of course, there's the reminiscence as the ultimate goal of all of that, but that too should come in due time as it builds up to a pitch along with the above.

One year ago: Cosplay: CyFest 2022

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