Saturday, October 14, 2023

Cosplay: MCP Mini Contest

Me: Um... So, I said last month was busy, and it was. It seems this month will be too, for Ash and me.

Goh: Let me guess, lots of festivals and conventions?

Me: Pretty much, and they happen when you don't expect them. Anyhow, there's this one.

Ash: This one looks great!

Pikachu: Pika pika! ["Looks great!"]

Me: As you can tell, it's a mini contest, so it does involve a character parade.

Goh: Of course it does. Who's the organizer?

Me: The same one as "TM Town Festival".

Goh: Nice! Will Ash get to sing?

Ash: Yeah! Our friend set me up for that. I thought "Best Wishes" would be great, and...

Me: The straw hat character talked to me again, and he said he wanted you to sing that song again - for real this time.

Goh: Sounds like you two know this straw hat character well.

Ash: I think he might have watched one of my battles, so yeah.

Me: And sometimes I get to talk to him when I'm free - but let's not discuss this too much. In any case, you'll need your Unova outfit for "Best Wishes"... and I've made little change for that. 

Ash: The hat is new! It looks so good now.

Me: I thought you'd like it. That's why I've been bringing it out lately, so I could improve it for you.

Ash: Thanks!

Pikachu: Pika chu! ["Thank you!"]

Goh: So how was the contest? And your performances?

Ash: I did OK on "Best Wishes". I think I was a little slow this time because I had a little problem hearing the music.

Goh: How'd that happen?

Ash: I think it was because the speakers were all in front, away from me.

Me: Yeah, that can be a problem. Didn't you check the sound?

Ash: I did! I thought it sounded fine...

Me: Well, things happen. And the other song?

Ash: I did good on that one. You know what? The straw hat character also joined me on stage, sent by one of our friends. We sort of had a performance together.

Goh: Wow! That is a surprise. You must have been surprised too.

Ash: Yeah, I was!

Pikachu: Pika chu pika! ["So was I!"]

Goh: So, do you think this can happen again?

Me: Maybe, maybe not. I think the stars would have to align before I can get Ash to pull this off again - and the results will certainly be not the same.

Ash: Who knows?

Me: Well, there's that. As for the contest...

Ash: I got in, but just to entertain people, since I already sang. So there was nothing from that.

Me: That's fine. Some people wouldn't even let you do that. But I'm sure you got something for us for singing.

Ash: Yeah! It's not much, but it should help us.

Me: Very good.

Goh: Who won, though, for the character parade?

Ash: The straw hat, and another friend of us, who sent a dragon tamer.

Goh: Oh wow. I guess they got a good thing going.

Me: We can try to get that going too at another opportunity.

Goh: Anything else we should know?

Ash: The contest was just for the evening and there were games to pass the time.

Goh: So it was just like that mini gathering last month, more or less.

Ash: I think I can say it was on the "more" side of things.

Pikachu: Pi pika chu pika. ["Definitely more."]

Me: And this was for a Saturday, which tends to not be too crowded. But from what you said, they did a good job.

Ash: I think so too.

Me: By the way, you should have recognized the place it was in - it was the same as Outfest over a year ago.

Ash: Yeah! Now I remember. But now things are better.

Goh: So things improved, and we improved. Sorta.

Pikachu: Chu pika. ["Huh, I guess."]

Me: Any improvement is good to take, even if that comes in different and unexpected ways.

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