Sunday, September 10, 2023

Cosplay: Bocchi Noizu Mini Gathering

Me: OK, um... September is going to be somewhat different (and somewhat busy). And it all starts by sending Ash here.

Ash: Great! What am I in for?

Pikachu: Pi? ["Hmm?"]

Me: I'll explain about that in a moment. So, "Bocchi Noizu" is a community of local pop culture fans. You might have seen them a few times in the conventions I sent you to earlier.

Ash: Yeah! I did. They're really nice and fun.

Goh: So... this isn't a convention or a festival. It's just a meetup.

Me: True, but... trust me, it's important. So Ash, what can you tell us about the place it's in?

Ash: Oh! It's in the same place as CyFest!

Me: Indeed it is. Now, one thing that makes this important is that like earlier...

Goh: Ash is performing - as a singer! Right?

Ash: Right! My friend set me up for this. They wanted two songs, so I chose "Soko ni Sora ga Aru Kara" and "Mezase Pokémon Master".

Me: But more importantly, Ash is here for the character parade - not competing in it, but judging it.

Goh: Whoa!!

Ash: All right!

Pikachu: Pi pika chu pika! ["So, so awesome!"]

Me: Neat, huh? You've waited five years for this, and now you're back in the "driver's seat".

Ash: I'm excited! That's why I was in my Hoenn outfit too. I know we've both gotten really well-known for it.

Goh: If you're judging, you must be.

Ash: And it's only my second time! But what my friend told me back then still applies now.

Goh: Well, I'm sure you know what to look for. 

Me: He ought to. OK, so I want to know how you did when you sang, and what happened during the character parade.

Ash: The sound was a bit too low when I sang both songs, even after the event people and I checked it. But I sang really great, though!

Goh: That's kind of a shame. Maybe you'd like to try it again?

Ash: I think our friend has a plan for us.

Me: You know, I think I do. But that will have to wait to see how the rest of the year pans out.

Goh: And the character parade - that must have been a sight.

Ash: It was! There were only 12 characters, even after they allowed more time for characters to sign up.

Goh: There had to be good ones for sure, though.

Ash: Some were good, but others were really good. I had a bit of a debate with the other judge - he's a character friend of us - but in the end, we chose two favorites and three big winners.

Pikachu: Pi pika pika! ["Really good!"]

Ash: Pikachu can confirm - we had a good time just watching them.

Me: And you got a little something good for us?

Ash: Of course! It's not much, but it should help you.

Goh: Were there other entertainment?

Ash: The hosts had a couple of games with the people watching, and there was a magic show too.

Goh: That's pretty neat! It's different from other times.

Pikachu: Pi, pi pika. ["Surely so."]

Ash: For sure. They used it to fill time so more characters can be in the parade.

Me: But wasn't it crowded over there?

Ash: It was! Just the characters were few.

Goh: That's strange. You'd think they'd be all over it.

Me: Well, I can think of a time when this was the case: many years ago, when I first sent Ash.

Ash: Yeah! Come to think of it, it was like that. 

Me: Still, even with the delay and the relatively few characters, I guess you can say that today was a success.

Ash: Yeah! It wasn't too much like those you usually send me to, but I guess it's not supposed to be.

Goh: It all happened in just a single afternoon, so it's like a get-together with many friends... which is what it was supposed to be.

Me: And don't forget, you are (were) a star for a day, especially with the help of our friends.

Ash: It has to be awesome! Everyone really did a great job today. 

Pikachu: Pika chu! ["For sure!"]

Me: The gathering may have been mini, but I'd like to think we made it "maxi".

Three years ago: Multilingual Pokémon Go
Four years ago: Gym Tours

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