Monday, September 10, 2018

(A Further) Local Ex-Raid, 9/10/2018

One thing that multiple Ex-Raid Gyms allow in a local area is flexibility. If a Trainer desires one, the Trainer can raid a specific Ex-Raid Gym while it is open for raids, for a chance of "qualifying" for an Ex-Raid there, while the other Gym(s) are closed in the interim period before an Ex-Raid. That was what I did for this Ex-Raid, by qualifying for it just before last week's Ex-Raid. This one also happened to be in the same location as one that happened a month ago, with it being a new one.

Of course, having flexibility to qualify for Ex-Raids does not mean any Trainer has flexibility to actually attend the Ex-Raid. Some who qualified for this Ex-Raid turned out to be unable to participate on the scheduled day because of other and/or sudden concerns, so they had to drop out of the planned battle flights and therefore forfeit the Ex-Raid. It's a given, since this one happened on a Monday at 1 PM. It's a little unfortunate, but at least because of the flexibility afforded above, they might be able to do so at a later time, though it may or may not be for the same Gym.

As well, there did not seem to be many Trainers from my raid group that qualified for an Ex-Raid, even after the few that dropped out. This led to only two battle flights, one for two teams with the fewest members and one for the team with the most members. The only problem that remained was that of the "unseen forces" which could either help or hinder the raid, and in fact both flights had at least one occurrence of both. There has to be a way for my raid group and others to control the "unseen forces" so that they may be more of a benefit rather than an impediment.

Mewtwo @ Street. The Gym is fairly close to the street.
Taken using the "manual method".

Having said all of that, my battle went smoothly. Despite being given a Mewtwo with fairly strong moves, my battle flight subdued Mewtwo quickly, which allowed the capture challenge to occur. Even the capture challenge proceeded quickly and effortlessly; I was given 11 balls and I caught Mewtwo on the first ball. A few others did the same, which makes me think this was somehow meant to be. Other than that, there were no reports of anything outlandish. It was just another Mewtwo in a slightly different place.

What You See Is What You Get.

With two places in my local area for Ex-Raids, the opportunities for Ex-Raids are greater. No one is locked in to just a single place with variable times; whichever Gym is open can be raided for a chance to qualify for an Ex-Raid. At the least, it makes things easier for any Trainer in Go to do so, and if skillfully done can provide the chance for Ex-Raids over several weeks. I can do it... or have done it, and others can do the same.

One year ago: Cosplay: BJF - Shizen ni Modoru

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