Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Emily Rudd and Her Pokémon Links

While I've mentioned One Piece and specifically its recently released live-action rendition, there's an aspect I should discuss in that moment that has some ties to Pokémon. One of its stars is Emily Rudd, and she plays Nami, navigator for the Straw Hat Pirates and a slick money lover. The character is a "rich" one in a manner of speaking, but then so is the person who's playing the character in another manner: she is a total anime geek, and thus perhaps she could be described as an otaku as well. Obviously, this becomes the entry point for Pokémon and all its related influences.

As she explained, she grew up on all the classic anime series that one would expect fans (even otaku) of this day and age to have grown up with. Not only that, she possesses sufficient knowledge of the backstory (lore) of these series, which would be something that is characteristic of intense fans. Emily also further possesses knowledge of an obscure series and can make recommendations based on specific series as well. All these make it evident that she is indeed one of these intense fans (or geeks, or otaku).

Certainly, that's where Pokémon comes into the picture. One of the classic anime series she mentioned is indeed Pokémon. While I'm sure that how Pokémon relates to fans in this regard will be different from one to another, they will likely make the identification in similar ways. She also mentioned of having a Game Boy Color and a collection of Pokémon TCG cards, both of which unfortunately are now lost, having been let go. She feels quite regretful in this regard, and if anything, that's a sign that she is a true fan and not just of the anime.

Now that it's been established that she is a Pokémon fan, could she play a role in a potential live-action rendition for that? Well, she already plays Nami, a character with orange hair, so she would seem a natural to play Misty, the Pokémon answer to this precondition. If hair color is not an issue, she would seemingly qualify to play Chloe, the daughter of Professor Cerise, if the "world saga" were to be adapted into live-action. Still, any role she plays might depend on her own wishes and the creator's wishes.

Emily Rudd by now is making waves (ahem) with the live-action rendition of One Piece and will certainly be busy with that when (if) more seasons are borne out. But through her viewpoints on Pokémon gained from interviews, it seems she would be right at home should another live-action rendition of Pokémon be realized. That ought to be very satisfying for any Pokémon fan, given that she establishes herself as one as well.

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