Sunday, September 24, 2023

Cosplay: Bunka no Tenkai - Wonderful Japan

Goh: You weren't kidding when you said September would be busy.

Me: Indeed, and for this one, Ash will be on his toes, I think.

Ash: I'm ready!

Pikachu: Pi pika! ["Me too!"]

Ash: So what's this one?

Me: OK, so one half of the people who made Harusaki no Matsuri happen decided to conceive a new festival event, and they came up with this one to celebrate "cultural development" - hence the title.

Ash: Neat!

Me: And once in a while, it occurs relatively close to where I am, so it's a natural to send Ash there.

Goh: Well, that makes sense. And I'm sure you have competitions planned out for Ash.

Me: I sure do! Singing and character parade, a usual twofer.

Ash: And I'm singing...

Me: Something new for us: "Boku no Best Friend e".

Ash: Oh, that's deep. But I'll definitely make it work for you!

Pikachu: Pi pika chu. ["I'll go along."]

Me: For this, you'll want your Kanto/Johto outfit... although I was kind of hoping to make that special thing from last month ready for you.

Goh: Hey!

Me: ...But it's still not ready yet. So you'll have to wait a bit more. 

Ash: That's fine! Take your time.

Me: OK, that's settled. Now, you'll remember the place - it used to host two Japan Corner festival events, but this isn't part of that.

Ash: Oh yeah! I remember. But I also remember the crowds...

Goh: And it was just as crowded.

Ash: Yeah. Lots of people also came in because it was hot outside.

Me: But at least you got there. Tell us how the inside looked like. 

Ash: Lots of community and merchandise stands. Outside it was all just food.

Goh: OK, that seems reasonable. I guess now it's time to tell about how you did in the competitions.

Ash: I almost messed up the second verse... and I think I was a bit fast in the verses. But it was fine other than that.

Goh: This seems to happen a lot when you perform a song for the first time.

Ash: Yeah, I didn't think about that. 

Me: It seems we have to "break in" songs before we get used to them. What about the character parade?

Ash: I think I did OK. I was just a little short on the time they gave.

Goh: How much did they give?

Ash: 30 seconds.

Goh: I get you. Sometimes it's hard to judge. I guess that's that for us - I'm looking at the schedule, and there seem to be mostly... bands and dance cover groups.

Ash: Yeah! I saw some of them. There was a competition for dance groups too, and that was nice.

Goh: Oh, fun! But I'm sure you liked the bands.

Ash: One of them is a friend of ours.

Pikachu: Pika chu. ["For sure."]

Goh: I see. And I think there was a martial arts community...?

Ash: I saw a little bit of them, but yeah, you're right.

Me: I think we've covered all the bases now... except one: results.

Ash: No win today for me. But some friends of us did get something.

Me: Hmm, figures.

Goh: It must have been a good try, though.

Ash: We have to try to nail it again!

Me: Of course. So, after we got that cleared up, let's discuss overall thoughts.

Ash: It felt just like Harusaki no Matsuri - if I didn't perform and was there all day.

Goh: It must have been, given the organizers were the same.

Me: I guess something went right today.

Pikachu: Chu, pika. ["Guess so."]

Ash: Just like you said, it kept me on my toes. You too, maybe.

Me: I guess that's appropriate too.

Goh: And next week is already the start of next month, so... next month might be a happening one too.

Ash: But you never know what can happen.

Me: Exactly. So keep your toes up - we'll need it.

Pikachu: Pi pika. ["Noted."]

One year ago: The Desire to Refresh

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