Monday, September 11, 2023

Another Pokémon Watch

Around five years ago, I received a rather fascinating Pokémon watch as a gift from one of my friends. It's a digital watch with some Pokémon images on it. Fast-forward to today (actually, a few months ago - more on this soon), I received another digital Pokémon watch from a different friend, and it bears some detailing as with that other, previous Pokémon watch, in particular for its similarities, differences, and significance.

Just like the previous watch, the Pokémon aspect is brought about mostly by its band. It is colored yellow and features images of Pikachu and the Pokémon logo, and the imagery is rather simplistic in comparison to the previous watch. That's also due to how the watch itself works, which is notably of a different shape. Regardless, while the unique factor is different for this watch, it is also rather representative of unofficial merchandise due to its appearance - but that may be the least of the problems.

Regarding the watch itself, it may be described as a "pseudo-smart watch" since its operations are all triggered by the touch sensor indicated by the little depression on the capsule-shaped body. Tapping it activates the display and backlight, which shows the current time, then date, then seconds cycled by tapping. Tapping and holding the sensor allows the individual elements to be adjusted, and through instructions I've recovered on the Internet, they're intuitive but slightly complicated. The display turns off after a few seconds of inactivity. All of this may be deemed similar to how smart watches work, even if it technically isn't one.

Now, this watch was given to me by a person near and dear to my heart: Dede, the guitarist and manager of Otaku Band. That occurred just before our latest collaboration some months ago, indicating how much we mean to each other. Although the backlight of the display seems a little faded - which may or may not be an indicator of its age - it can be assured that the gesture is timeless, and that's beyond any specific indications that the device may possess. Both are important no matter what may be the case.

With two Pokémon watches in five years, I seem to make myself apt to collect them, even if they are gifts from others I know well. The latest one as above has an especially unique form factor yet doesn't forgo the Pokémon connection, which is made evident by its graphical design. As obscurely unofficial as it might be, I'm still pleased to possess it, particularly in a functional state that makes me desire to wear it as intended.

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