Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Pokémon Brand Parodies, Third Take

Well, I can't stop thinking about making Pokémon parodies of various brands since I posted the previous (and the previous previous) compilation of them; they just seem to come naturally to me as a Pokémon fan. So when an idea comes, I have to keep track of it as I figure out a way of realizing them through image manipulation, and then once I have a few, I can get my creative juices flowing and actually make the parody. That is exactly what happened recently, and now I have a few more to share.

Shunda for Shundo Pokémon 

In the country where I reside, Shunda is a manufacturer of household hardware; their most famous product is ceiling boards, but they also manufacture products like wallboards and floorboards. Those undeniably might make a house a home for a Pokémon fan, but it's also undeniable that the company name is one letter removed from a Pokémon phenomenon that occurs in Pokémon Go - a Shiny Pokémon with perfect stats. So, I decided to bring back (or rather, apply) the phenomenon with this parody, the first one I made that concerns something related to Pokémon other than a particular species.

Ruangguru feat. Oranguru

Meanwhile, Ruangguru is a provider of virtual lessons that has become somewhat promoted in recent times for its importance in shaping the current generation of human resources. The name sounds rather similar to the Pokémon species of Oranguru, which itself is a characterization of a very well-known endangered species present in the same country. It is this similarity that led me to conceive the idea for the parody and then to execute it. Also, it should be noted (humorously) that Oranguru tend to have "their own thing going on", so they may or may not be helpful at all, considering the context of the brand.

Bombardier feat. Bombirdier

Bombardier is a manufacturer of vehicles from the great northern land of Canada that used to be an "all-rounder" but now just manufactures business jet planes. It seems such a coincidence that changing one letter of its name results in a Flying-type Pokémon species of the latest generation to grace the franchise. Here, it is depicted with the company's former graphical logo and wordmark, the latter of which is still unchanged in style but certainly changed to reflect the parody. The hope is that the planes are still agile and high-flying as are the Pokémon of this species.

Like in the previous edition, I also updated a previous parody for a more current sensibility:

Wuling feat. Wooloo (updated)

Last time, I posited that my previous parody can be updated to reflect the company's "five diamonds" logo, and so I undertook just that, showing two Wooloo joining their front-facing ponytails in a manner that closely portrays that exact logo. Now, imagining this vehicle company getting representation from sheep-like Pokémon - or more precisely, two instances of them - may not be so ridiculous after all, though it's still rather fanciful.

The search for ideas of Pokémon parodies of real-life brands is an ever-continuing one, even as of this edition. It is, in a way, a kind of soul-searching for just the right concept followed by the right execution. And if that happens to occur at the most perfect moment, then to move forward with them is a given, like with the ones that I have presented above. The creativity is thus a continuing one as well, especially for people like me whose appreciation of Pokémon continues in the same manner.

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