Monday, September 25, 2023

More on Unite Surrendering: New Developments

Some time ago, I wrote about the fine (or not-so-fine) art of surrendering in Pokémon Unite. Much of the information in that post still continues to apply today; however, there has been a slight development in this area. Several updates ago, two new options were added to the main Settings area, and they deal with allowing a surrender to be automatically opposed. It's a drastic measure but one that may very well go with the play styles of certain players.

The first option concerns the enabling of automatic opposition. If set to on, then surrender voting will always be rejected by the player; if set to "first time only", the first surrender voting will be rejected, but the player will be asked what to do on subsequent ones; and if set to off, the player will always be asked on what to do (the state prior to the appearance of this setting). The second option concerns the display of votes on automatic opposition: if on, the voting will not be shown while the voting takes place, and if off, the voting will always be displayed regardless.

Even with automatic opposition enabled, it should be noted that a player will still have the option of proposing a surrender oneself for the team, and that may be a desperate or last resort option in certain battle circumstances. Of course, in other circumstances, a surrender is still possible even with one "nay" vote, and if that happens to be given out by a player who has automatic opposition turned on, it may be a little jarring when it occurs - especially if voting display is turned off. So, it is not a foolproof for totally preventing a surrender from occurring, but it can help to prevent premature and accidental ones.

As for its usage, I know one player who might have automatic opposition turned on and the voting never be shown. That player is adamant about playing to the end, even if it's practically impossible to win, and I've never heard of the player proposing a surrender. I myself have the first option set to "first time only" and the second set to not show, to give a chance for a battle to proceed, and if it's looking like the battle has been decided, then I can initiate or accept the next surrender proposal. In that regard, I may be described as more "liberal"; others may be similar to either of us.

For those who go all out on their battles in Pokémon Unite, the new automatic oppose option for surrendering may just be the thing to keep gameplay going even when it comes down to the wire. For others, it might be a stopgap measure of sorts to try to salvage a currently progressing battle. Whatever the case, surrendering remains a matter of somewhat delicate nature, and the new options ought to strike a balance between continuing and surrendering.

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