Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Creating Unity and Oneness

A long, long time ago, a facet of culture billed itself as something that creates "unity and oneness". I was too young at that time to understand what that entailed, although I could sense some of the importance. Today, I'm surrounded by many more facets of culture, including Pokémon in particular, and I have to develop an understanding of at least some of them in order to make sense of today's world. Having rediscovered this facet recently, I thought I'd try to make sense of it with Pokémon as the main cultural facet I know best today.

I've discussed and/or alluded to the "unity" aspect a few times, including the discussion of a certain in-game skill and prior to a certain festival event. Based on that, it may be considered that Pokémon has the capability of creating unity in spades. And it clearly has to be created, for not only do the people need to become one with each other, the Pokémon also need to become one with each other - and then there's the mixture of both parties. There's even a Pokémon game - and a very popular one at that - where that really becomes the primary objective. It is then quite apparent that Pokémon carries a sense of unity to be developed (as an adjunct to "creation") among its elements.

Then there's the "oneness" aspect. Pokémon has been demonstrated to appeal to people all over the world, who become its loyal fan. One way of making sure that happens is to give leeway in translation and adaptation to make sure they can enjoy it in their own particular ways. While this could be construed to create a different kind of "oneness", it also preserves it in one way. As well, communities for all the different things and ways Pokémon may be enjoyed represent different kinds of "oneness" and is a strength of the fandom, but given the way they sometimes can easily blend, that also preserves the "oneness" that it has... and should have no matter what.

While that facet of culture from a long time ago still persists today much like Pokémon now, it has in a way shed its earlier claim. Yet for those who used to experience that bygone era, it may still be considered to ring true even now, especially as people like me are rediscovering how it had been at that time. Now, it seems, I'm able to understand where I am today with Pokémon by being able to understand where I was with that cultural facet. It had offered a sense of creating a single unity back then - and now, I can consider Pokémon to be able to do the same.

One year ago: The Original Dance Mix

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