Sunday, September 3, 2023

The Pole Position of Adventures Abound

Pole position
Push a little harder
Hey now, life is every minute
All or nothing
Living on the limits
Hey now, I'll race you to the finish
-- "Pole Position", Ace of Base

OK, so there is one remnant detail from the end of Hidden Gems that I haven't covered as stated, and it deals with the song above. As expected, it's another song from the rather apropos "Hidden Gems" album of this once-popular music group. Now, the "pole position" in racing represents the best starting place for a top competitor, which is often for the lead, and therefore the initial lead belongs to that competitor at the very least. As such, the figurative "pole position" in this case is a marker of the beginning of Adventures Abound, the new season.

Like a majority of this music group's songs, the grand theme of this song is romantic love. Specifically, it's about pursuing such a love as well as keeping up with such a love, at and beyond the so-called "pole position". It may be that to do so, one would have to expend efforts that could be deemed as extraordinary, and this song attempts to capture that aspect as well; this becomes particularly evident as in the quoted chorus as above.

In tying this to Pokémon and in particular the current Pokémon Go season, some adventures could be of the "fast lane" variety, requiring speed in order to catch up with them. And that may already be known to be required even for some adventures that are part of this season. Trainers at the forefront of this (the "pole position") will likely recognize the necessary effort and need to make the "final push" in order to get through them.

Much can be discerned about this Pokémon Go season and associated happenings, and it has only barely begun. Yet that's still where things stand: the race has just left the "pole position" and is on its course. It will still take a bit of time for it to finish (precisely, three months to the end of the season), but with quite a bit of pushing hard to the limits as this song would suggest, much should be gotten out of it in Pokémon Go and beyond.

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