Sunday, September 17, 2023

Cosplay: Helloweebs on the Road & TM Town Festival

Goh: This is interesting. There are two events today?

Me: Uh-huh. Actually, the story is that one of them is a two-day event, and I sent Ash there yesterday. Today, I send Ash to the other one.

Ash: It's been years since this happened!

Pikachu: Pika chu pika! ["A long time!"]

Me: I know. It divides our concentration a bit, but I think we can handle it. So let's start with the first one.

Ash: OK, so you sent me there with my Unova outfit. It's been a long time too since you gave me that one.

Me: Yeah, I thought it might be something different, so that's why. (Oh, and this is also why I had the "weeaboo" discussion the other day - it's part of the name.)

Ash: But it wasn't too different - it was a festival close to your place.

Goh: Oh, maybe like Akazora Fest?

Ash: It was almost like that! Communities on one side, food on the other. But I didn't have to pay to get in.

Goh: How'd that happen?

Me: I have the answer for that. The festival is actually sponsored, so it's on them - but that's all I can say about that.

Goh: Neat! Was there a competition?

Ash: There was! ...But it was a character performance, and our friend couldn't set me up for it.

Me: Oh, yeah. Sorry about that. But there are good reasons for that, one of which has to do with the other event.

Goh: That's a bummer, but I can understand. Well, there had to have been entertainment.

Ash: Yeah, but just singers and dancers. And then there was me!

Goh: What did you do?

Ash: I got called on stage to sing for a challenge... but the song I sang was for a different character!

Pikachu: Pi! ["Yeah!"]

Me: All I can say is that I have a message from that character - hint: the character has a straw hat - and he thinks you're awesome, so you're welcome to sing the song.

Ash: I had lots of fun just being there with everyone!

Goh: That's awesome too. So, day 2 of that event is today - what would Ash miss?

Me: Oh, I can answer that. There would be a singing competition and a character parade... and just more of the same.

Ash, Goh: Bummer!

Me: Yeah, so sorry about that, but then there's the other festival event, which had been planned out well in advance. But in exchange for that...

Ash: I get to sing for myself today!

Me: Yes! Actually, for you and I both, and that's why we couldn't set up a performance. I've tasked you to sing two songs: a pop-rock song that describes some emotions that I feel and you could feel, and "Chiisaki Mono".

Ash: Oh, the last one! You want my Hoenn outfit, then.

Me: Sure!

Goh: That's different. You usually just send Ash to sing Pokémon songs.

Me: I know, but the pop-rock song is neutral enough that we can consider it fitting. How'd you do?

Ash: The pop-rock song was nice and really different. And... I think I teared up a little during "Chiisaki Mono". That almost happened to one of your friends too.

Goh: Wow.

Pikachu: Pika... ["Well..."]

Me: Yeah, it's a song with strong feelings. We can take advantage of this if a grand opportunity comes.

Goh: I'd love to find out about that if that ever happens!

Me: Certainly. Now, the entertainment here should be minimalist.

Ash: It was like the gathering from last week, but only with the games.

Goh: Yeah, that's not much. What about competitions?

Ash: Just a character parade. I didn't plan on being in it because I already sang, but I thought I should help it out.

Goh: So maybe we don't have to expect much.

Ash: No, but I got second place...

Goh: Hey!

Pikachu: Pika! ["Nice!"]

Me: At least we can consider it a reward for entertaining people.

Ash: It was fun for three hours or so. And I even kept myself busy capturing some Oddish.

Goh: That's pretty short - but that Oddish thing sounds fun too.

Me: Thanks, by the way. I guess... after that, you got to catch the remnants of the first festival event.

Ash: I did! A friend helped me get there. I saw the last of a dance group and a DJ - and a lot of people. I met a few of our friends too.

Goh: I guess the first event robbed people from the second one.

Ash: But I talked to a friend of ours, and I think the competitions stole people (characters) from each other.

Me: That's what happens when both are scheduled for the same day. Luckily this didn't happen in a city where there was four events or conventions in a single day at the same time.

Goh: Four?! I can't imagine.

Ash: I can't either.

Pikachu: Pi pika... ["Don't ask..."]

Me: So, the lesson here is that the organizers ought to talk to each other and work out solutions if this ever happens again. Well, at least we got something out of both of them.

Ash: I had a nice time at both connecting with everyone - and the prize from the parade wasn't that bad. We got lots of things.

Goh: And you two might just be in for more great things next time.

Me: Absolutely. It's amazing and interesting sometimes what two can make.

Pikachu: Pika pika chu. ["Sounds familiar."]

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