Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Quickies: Finding My "Mime" and "Rime"

Among the presently extant Pokémon species, the family of Mr. Mime is an enigmatic one. Its old Kanto form, coupled with the baby Mime Jr. from Sinnoh, are skilled mimers - clowns, psychic ones, in a way. Its Galarian form, along with the new Mr. Rime evolutionary form, are skilled tap dancers and swift movers on ice. Both may be considered to possess their own innate talents and are representative of such, as well as what their human counterparts might also have. To that, I'm reminded of my journey to find my own innate talent and how that has panned out.

In the past, I've had a tumultuous journey for that purpose. I hung on two things that I thought were my talents... until they turned against me. It seems that one of them was never my talent to begin with, while the other one was not in the right format in the first place. Now, with my moderate success in cosplay and singing - in particular by involving Pokémon - I might be able to say that those really might be my talents after all, the latter being in a more fitting format as a solo singer rather than in a group (choir). My "mime" and "rime" seems to have been able to be identified.

Many things have certainly went on since that earlier tumultuous journey, including for Pokémon and specifically concerning the species family above: it diversified itself (or more precisely, was discovered to have done as such) into four forms, encompassing two kinds of innate talents. While the Pokémon species family had a more natural journey rather than a tumultuous one like I had, it's still fascinating to see it settle on two kinds of talent and not just one. Along with that and my appreciation of Pokémon, I'm glad that in a way, I can discover my own "mime" and "rime", as these Pokémon did.

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