Thursday, September 28, 2023

Let's Talk About Problems and Solutions

Ash: Another "Let's Talk", huh? You must be fed up with something.

Pikachu: Pika chu? ["What now?"]

Me: You could put it that way. It's not that I don't have ideas of things to write about; I do - it's just that they need more development, and things have been coming up recently.

Goh: I get what you're saying. Sometimes it's helpful to have different perspectives, and that's OK - we'll help you somehow.

Me: Thanks for understanding. So, the topic this time is "problems and solutions", something that I'm sure we have from time to time.

Goh: If you put it that way... I'm reminded of my Project Mew trial at the ship in Hoenn. That had a lot of problems.

Ash: I heard! You had to team up with Horace to get through it - and then you had to battle too.

Goh: Yeah, that might have been a solution I didn't expect, but that was the solution, you could say.

Me: That's, of course, the natural other half to any problem. How about you, Ash?

Ash: I remember when I struggled with Misty for Togepi and Totodile. That was a real handful!

Goh: How did you two solve that problem?

Ash: Togepi solved it for us... but we had to battle for Totodile.

Goh: Fascinating. I guess you can say that some problems solve themselves, but others take some effort to solve.

Pikachu: Pika, chu pika. ["Nice, two ways."]

Ash: What about you?

Me: Remember when I sent you to sing last Sunday? Other than the problems you said you had?

Ash: Yeah, everything else worked out well!

Me: See, I thought there would be a certain other problem when I was preparing you for that, but it turns out it wasn't a problem.

Goh: So I guess it solved itself.

Me: Absolutely, Goh. But then some things are not as simple as that, as I had discovered some months ago.

Ash: Oh, was it just before the Rica thing?

Me: Yes - although I didn't realize it at the time. Now I'm still nervous thinking about it, and what's worse is that I've spent much for nothing. So I'm not sure how I'll ever solve this one.

Ash: Oh - I've just known about this. Really sorry about that.

Pikachu: Pika... [dejected]

Me: Lately I've also had some technology problems, and it seems even if I had the skills to try to solve it myself, I still wouldn't be able to, and it would cut into my time trying to solve other problems.

Goh: Sounds like you need my mom and dad.

Me: I wish I had their help, but I can only settle for their real counterparts, and they're not even like them. So now I'm just trying to solve things every which way - and one of those things even could have involved Ash.

Ash: Me?

Me: Well, I can't say much more than that, but that is (or was) definitely the state of the matter. In a way, it solved itself, but perhaps not in the ways we would like.

Goh: I think I know where this is going. And I really feel for you with these problems. You don't deserve them.

Ash: I agree!

Pikachu: Pi! ["Sure!"]

Me: But as I said earlier, problems have solutions at their other end. And a company I like used to - or perhaps still does - say that "there is always a way".

Ash: Hey, maybe they're always right!

Goh: I like the sound of that company, though. I think they could belong in or with Pokémon.

Me: On that note, it seems I'm problem-solving for some time ahead. I hope things come out like the problems you two had.

Ash: No prob!

Goh: You can do this!

Me: Great, thanks so much.

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