Thursday, September 14, 2023

Watch What I Say

I've discussed about spoilers and one circumstance that prompted them, and now it's fitting that I cap them off with a post containing one more appropriately related discussion topic, in particular to my Pokémon experiences. This blog serves as my platform for saying what I need to say about Pokémon and my related experiences. But of course, I cannot say things with careless abandon; I need to say things in a controlled manner in order not to provoke unnecessary reactions. In other words, I need to "watch what I say", exactly as stated in the title of this post.

For example, while I think the "no scans" post stated all of what I needed to state, I also think I may have "stepped over the line" slightly in some parts, and that's the kind of thing I have to watch. Then, I have to be careful in checking posts for something that may have slipped my mind, especially something I thought I may have covered, in order to avoid two posts having eerily similar focus, as with two posts on "attractors" I made a while back. Either one of these might illicit certain reactions, particularly from avid readers, and thus they need to be observed rather carefully. 

Spoilers are naturally part of this as well, and they bring up another concern: how much I should say about a particular matter, which is related to and entails how much I should know about that specific matter, at least at the point in time where I make the discussion. That then further correlates with the experience of the reader in consideration of what they know regarding the matter at the point where they read. If it appears the latter is difficult for me to comprehend, then so this would also be true for the former, and at that point it's a "Shellder game" of sorts.

By the way, this post and the two others that preceded them were not originally meant to be a triad; they were brought up in the planning stage at different times. Though the "circumstance" post was planned close to the time of my awareness of the "something else", I realized I needed to discuss the "spoiler" aspect and the matter in this post a few months down the road, which came as the world was turning sour - also a few years back. Regardless, over time, I began treating them as a triad, and in the end, they just had to be made and posted together, and now is the time.

Having blogged for many years at this point, I can say that the consideration of "watching what I say" has become something that I've naturally gained at that time. This also really ties into the breadth of subjects and topics that Pokémon has, as well as the subjectivity of myself and the would-be readers of my posts. It serves me well to keep in mind the consideration of what I have to and need to say (and indirectly when to say that) for the benefit of all of those parties. And after all that, I still have to show care in what I say, as much as I show that for Pokémon matters.

One year ago: Into the Deep Blue
Two years ago: Dancing with Pokémon
Four years ago: The Appeal of the TCG
Five years ago: A Pokémon Watch
Six years ago: Three's Demise

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