Friday, September 29, 2023

The State of Nominations, Part 24

I've written up many of these posts about the current state of my PokéStop nominations by way of Pokémon Go and Niantic Wayfarer, and they've been all different in some way each time. This time, though, it will be quite different substantially because of what's happening with both those nominations and my state of affairs. And I have to say, it's been a distressing situation for both. Regardless, it still has been a couple of months from when I last made one of these posts, so it's got to be made.

One reason for that substantial difference is that... well, I currently don't have access to my tracking data, so I cannot deliver my usual counts of nominations, including the ones that are accepted and are not (or in my own terms, approved and rejected). Heuristically, however, based on the last few notification e-mails from Wayfarer, I've had a couple of nominations accepted, quite a few not accepted, and a couple more appealed nominations decided - not for the better, unfortunately. The rejections are disappointing, particularly for the appeals that seemed viable, and I feel the need to rectify that with more (approved) nominations.

There's just one problem. It seems that recently, Niantic has been rather sensitive on nominations, particularly ones that may be said to not fit (comply with) the guidelines in some way, shape, or form. So sensitive, in fact, that suspensions or bans have been handed out for non-compliant players (specifically Trainers in Pokémon Go) and/or their non-compliant nominations. This becomes a rather alarming matter, and as such, I've decided to "lay low" on nominations for a while, especially with the way that ambiguities in nominations have existed and been treated. Yet if I do find something that is certainly deserving of a nomination and certainly meets the guidelines (without a shadow of a doubt), then it may be wise to make an exception and put in the nomination.

Also currently, I've joined a group for the purpose of assisting one another with Wayfarer affairs and in particular local nominations. The group was created partially in light of the above situation, and thus it serves a noble purpose in a manner of speaking. While a good number of people have joined the group, there is relatively little activity at present - though that may increase later on. Though sometimes I find it difficult to interact with others, this may be one group where that interaction may be demanded and useful, so I may have to keep tabs on it and interact whenever possible.

While presently my (and others') PokéStop nominations seem to be in a bit of a bind, it also seems rather certain that they need to continue in a certain capacity. The current situation may present a prerogative to tighten things up a bit and make sure things are in line. That may be something that will make a difference now and later, especially in Pokémon Go itself, even as the current situation is different in its own ways.

Three years ago: The Leek and Pokémon
Four years ago: Cosplay: Isekai
Five years ago: A Merchandise Dream

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