Thursday, September 21, 2023

Pokémon Go Tour for Other Regions?

Those familiar with modern Pokémon Go events will surely recognize Pokémon Go Tour, which has been going on annually for the past few years around February. Up to now, the event has had three editions and they have all featured regions of the main series games - Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn, in sequential order. These are all very well-known among fans and Trainers, even those who don't play the games. But what if the event could feature lesser-known regions, particularly those from outside the main series games? It's a possibility to be explored for one or more future editions of the event.

For the idea of this post, the consideration comes by the fact that the only three remaining Pokémon from the Sinnoh region, which would be the expected region to be next, are all Legendary or Mythical Pokémon that should have been implemented by now, yet haven't been as such - and one of them is known as a "deity" of sorts with many forms. While it's conceivable that the other two of them might debut simultaneously, that particular "deity" could present problems and may deserve its own event. Of course, given that Go Tour occurs at the tail end of the season, one (set) may debut at the beginning of the season and the other may debut when Go Tour actually happens. Still, the consideration of the idea might serve well for a future edition of Go Tour, perhaps as an "interlude" edition.

As for the "other regions" that could have a chance to be featured, there are several possibilities. The most probable "other region" would be one that is pulled from the Pokémon Ranger sub-series of games, the first of these being the Fiore region. It has a good diversity of Pokémon from the first few generations, which is why it would seemingly be a good bridge should the next Go Tour not be based on Sinnoh as expected. Another but less conceivable one is the Orre region; it is likewise an early region with a good species mix. The only problem is that the region is not very well-known except by the most dedicated of fans, so its possibility is quite low. This matter of being less well-known may be the core issue.

Having been present on the scene for a few years, Pokémon Go Tour has truly done a good job of representing regions by Pokémon species. This is quite the case that it might make sense to implement something "fresh" for it by representing a region not from the main series of Pokémon games, which it may have potential to do. In doing so, it might just make the less familiar regions more familiar among Trainers in Pokémon Go so that they may become more familiar with Pokémon regional aspects in general.

Two years ago: Pikachu Fidget Spinner
Four years ago: Remember, Remember
Five years ago: Community Raid Days?
Six years ago: Pokémon and Party Games

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