Sunday, July 2, 2023

Cosplay: Akazora Fest

Goh: Of course. It's another event.

Me: Certainly. Let me prefix things by saying that this one is a two-day affair - yesterday and today. And I sent you on both days, but with different outfits.

Ash: You got me my Hoenn outfit yesterday and my Sinnoh outfit today.

Me: They were the best ones I could have you wear. Also, as you can see, for convenience, I've decided to have us talk about it all on today instead of separate days like Indonesia Comic Con.

Ash: That's fine! Anything to save you and me from trouble.

Pikachu: Pika pika chu! ["That works!"] 

Me: All right. So, by the name, this event is more of a festival rather than a convention, even though the organizers (Japan Culture Daisuki) are the brains behind the local area's most popular conventions like Daisuki! Japan and ChibiCon.

Goh: So what's "Akazora" got to do with it?

Me: Ara Akazora, the namesake of this festival, is the mascot of said organizer. So this festival is held in her honor.

Ash: That's neat - hey, I think I got to meet her once! 

Me: Oh, really? Where?

Ash: Back in ChibiCon!

Ash: So Ara was with me at ChibiCon.
Imagine this with my Hoenn or Sinnoh outfit and you get Akazora Fest.

Me: Yup, that's her. Nekonoi Katsu is the one behind her appearance.

Goh: It seems that's true here too, looking at what I found.

Me: The reason for that is because she's the official representative for the organizer and the character, I'm told.

Goh: Oh, well, that explains it. Also, you had to have seen her yesterday, apparently, since that was when she was there, I'm told.

Ash: I did!

Me: That's a good thing. Now, what about the structure? What can you tell us?

Ash: It was really simple! There was a food court and communities were on the other side. There weren't a lot of people selling goodies on another side, and across that were the stages.

Goh: There were two stages?

Ash: Yeah! One was for all the usual entertainment, and the other was a square in the middle.

Pikachu: Pi pika, pika chu. [gestures a square in mid-air]

Me: Wait, let me guess - there were lanterns everywhere, just like the setting for your earlier picture with her.

Ash: Yeah!

Me: So you know it was traditional in part.

Goh: What was the entertainment like?

Ash: Yesterday there were dance groups and a DJ. Today there were bands - one of them (Otaku Band) my friend knows really well.

Me: And don't forget, you sang with them a couple of times.


Goh: WOW!! What did you sing?

Ash: "Mezase Pokémon Master"!

Goh: As predictable as it is amazing.

Me: Well, I guess that somewhat makes up for Daisuki! Japan then. And I'm sure it went well now; if that's the case, we really have Rica Matsumoto to thank.

Ash: Yes!

Pikachu: Pika! ["All right!"]

Goh: OK. So, anything else?

Ash: There were eating competitions on both days. Lots of people also had karaoke and danced together.

Me: Eating competitions are definitely unique, and the last part must be the traditional part.

Ash: You bet!

Goh: You know, the karaoke together thing sounds fun.

Ash: It was! The people behind it opened up a booth and I got to sing all kinds of songs, at least the ones my friend knew.

Goh: No Pokémon songs?

Ash: They said they didn't have any, but they might think about having some next time.

Me: Interesting! This sounds like it could be something else in the works. I will also keep in touch with them.

Goh: Oh, wait - something else. Were there any competitions that are specifically for us?

Ash: Our friend signed me up for the character parade, but that happened yesterday.

Goh: And the results?

Ash: Only three winners, and it wasn't me.

Pikachu: Pika chu. ["There you go."]

Me: Well, it's hard to expect a lot more at this point unless we go really far away or have something new up our sleeves. Good try, though.

Goh: And then... the traditional part.

Ash: I got to see a group of girls dance, then everyone got to dance around the middle square stage, before a fireworks show. But I only got to do it yesterday, since today my friend had me finish early to go meet a special guy.

Goh: How special?

Me: Very. I'll have details later on, though mostly not involving Ash. So, what do you think?

Ash: It was really great! You got me to do all the things you want me to do and everything was neat. At least I think it was.

Goh: The character parade was on an unexpected day, but you have to give them credit for trying something different - less of a convention, more of a festival. 

Pikachu: Pi, pika pika. ["Yes, very nice."]

Me: All good points. So it was a wonderful and unique two days, it would seem.

Ash: Yeah, you can say that.

Goh: And it was celebratory!

Me: That is important and in order at times. So thank you, Ash, and I'm sure that more celebrations will be in our (and their) cards soon.

Two years ago: The Element Cup of GBL
Five years ago: Let's Go Trade

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