Saturday, July 15, 2023

The (Master) Magnet Man

If there's a hallmark of my relationship with Pokémon, it would be that it is a very social one. That means meeting and interacting with other people, as far as my social interactions allow that to occur, whether physically or digitally. The process includes other fans (or Trainers, in in-game parlance) and popular figures, no matter what domain of Pokémon they are involved with. A significant one over the past several years has been with a fan, friend, and proficient player or master Trainer who has a certain magnetic personality - one that is deeply related to Pokémon - and is therefore apt to be discussed.

That person is called by the nickname Magnetman, but those who are close to him also know him by his first name, Adryan. He is called as such because his favorite Pokémon and effectively his representation, in a way, is Magnezone, and it's present on all the related social media branding wherever he is of concern. Evidently, he likes Pokémon a whole lot, and it's his primary dealings as well, though he's an open gamer as well. His choice platform is YouTube, and it is there that he streams and uploads videos; it can be found by his handle, @MagnetmanGaming.

Specifically for Pokémon, he deals with VGC, an area that I've become rather inexperienced in. As for his experience, it is undeniably great. He's been involved in a handful of national and international tournaments, and even became a winner in one. Nowadays, he also uses his experience to provide lessons by coaching to others, with hope that they'll gain the same experience and be able to adopt his winning ways in order that they themselves can win, and thus preserve his winning legacy in a way. If that's not important for VGC, I don't know what is.

More recently, he's also become proficient in Pokémon Unite, which has become its own thing. Currently, he's affiliated with one of the Wotaman teams, and has been frequently called upon for participation in tournaments. I had the chance to play together in one match at one point in time, and surprisingly, I ended up becoming the MVP of that match - yet that was quite some time ago. It may be a long time before we are able to play together again... or may be potentially pitted on opposite sides in that effort.

As noted, he's an open gamer, and his library (other than Pokémon) is pretty standard and diverse for a gamer - though it doesn't have much correlation to mine apart from Pokémon. Much of it is also streamed, again through the YouTube channel as above. He calls his loyal followers (including me) part of the "Magnet Crew", and we interact on a certain platform familiar to gamers, yet again affirming one of its many social uses.

On that note, my social dealings with Pokémon become affirmed in both position and importance, along with whatever other dealings I choose to take up for Pokémon. And if they involve people like Adryan "Magnetman", then that is quite fortunate, as it means I have a real friend and comrade who I can refer to and link up with at times for Pokémon affairs. That has to be masterful as much as it is magnetic.

Three years ago: More on Remote Raids
Four years ago: The Switch Lite
Five years ago: Mew @ Everywhere

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