Monday, July 3, 2023

Possible Alternatives to (Preserve) Pokémon Go?

It has become apparent through certain recent reports and experiences, if not already apparent by certain tribulations that I've outlined previously, that despite continuing to present a positive face - as they should regardless - Niantic seems to be showing disinterest (or care) in developing Pokémon Go further. And yet the game has proven itself to be phenomenal, simple, and competitive in all the years that it has existed. This does raise a concern: if Pokémon Go is abruptly terminated in development, even as unlikely as it may be, what are the alternatives that can be taken to preserve (if not replace) the game and all its progress? It presents a complex matter, unlike some of the main mechanisms of the game.

Part of that complexity is that Pokémon Go is essentially unique. Its battle systems are unlike any other Pokémon game, being real-time and action-oriented. Its method of Pokémon capture is only shared by the Let's Go games, though these games came after the initial innovation by Pokémon Go. As such, the only replacement for Pokémon Go is effectively, well... Pokémon Go itself. If it can't be replaced, then the issue of its preservation comes up. Both longtime and recent players (Trainers) will certainly have made progress that may have monetary value, particularly to be put into competitive play within the game or to be transferred to Pokémon Home for further use in the main series games. A way of making sure that the progress remains accessible thus becomes paramount.

Because of its popularity, it may be possible to conceive something that preserves the "data end" of that progress by migration, much like the transition from TCGO to TCGL. All the Pokémon data would have to be able to be read for when the time to migrate comes, and then the migration would have to commence. This process would be expected to have some contingencies, however, which would include the availability of Pokémon Go and whatever would succeed it, as well as the "transfer window" between both. It might be a hard sell given the current state of Pokémon Go and the potential of making something for the succession.

Since it's unique and seemingly irreplaceable, a highly unlikely alternative would be for TPCI and/or Nintendo to just buy Niantic outright and making it their "AR Division", thereby preserving the game as it is, but with the possibility of introducing better development processes unlike what Niantic has been doing (recently). I thought about discussing this topic in a separate post, but due to its rather remote possibility, I decided to include it as a blurb in this general discussion, which is still merited regardless of the current state of Pokémon Go.

As I've noted in the past by way of a certain famous figure, if something is different, it is then also highly likely to be irreplaceable. That would seem true for Pokémon Go itself relative to Pokémon in general, so something would have to give way in order to become an alternative to it or its preservation. Hopefully, it does not have to happen and things can just improve, but with the current state of the game, it may just be a hope to be realized if all else fails.

Three years ago: More Pokémon Go "Goofs"
Four years ago: I Splurged, for Once
Six years ago: Spicy Tamato

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