Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Remaking My Pokémon Papercraft Models?

It's been such a long time since I've addressed anything related to Pokémon and papercraft, so this discussion is somewhat overdue. Specifically, this discussion was prompted after I looked over some of the earlier models that I had built, which are presently in various conditions. Some of them are still as fine as they are when I had built them, while others are less fine or had become more so after all the tribulations that had taken place since. Given this condition, I started to wonder if I should remake some of the models, which then led to this post.

For example, the Pikachu that I first built and initially used in cosplay still turns out to be fine all this time, and thus is not needed to be remade. On the other hand, it has a "younger sibling" of Pichu, and that model is slightly falling apart; this is definitely a candidate to be remade. There are also a few Poké Balls in various conditions, and they may or may not demand to be remade. It may be in my best interest to take the best one I have and discard the rest for a true "fresh start" with only the best models I have, as the others I mentioned above.

The only thing that currently restricts any possible efforts to remake my Pokémon papercraft models is fitting in that effort along with all other efforts I have to make, Pokémon or otherwise. It's something that has presented a challenge in recent days, though I myself might have been the one that caused it to be a challenge in the first place. Yet as with all Pokémon challenges, that might be something to take on - perhaps just not at this moment while I get all my other challenges and efforts in order. 

So, it seems that I have found the incentive to get back to Pokémon papercraft, yet it's also an incentive that requires a bit of devotion just as with all my other Pokémon prospects. The fact that many of my models still survive the test of time does suggest that Pokémon papercraft is still something worthwhile for me to take on and preserve, moreover as it still constitutes my interaction history. Yet it's also a literal "history in the making", as Pokémon itself continues to provide the advancements for that history to occur.

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