Thursday, July 6, 2023

Pokémon Go 7th Anniversary

Well, it has gone through ups and downs and highs and lows, but things are once again at this point. I'm talking, of course, about the anniversary of Pokémon Go, for which this year is the seventh. Now, the number 7 has certain connotations - specifically those related to fortune - and that is all well and good, though the recent tumult with the game may suggest otherwise. Regardless, it is still a fortune that the game has made it to this point, and it remains a point of celebration and discussion.

Over the past year, the Daily Adventure Incense have colored everyone's journeys, including the appearance of the rather "shy" Galarian Legendary birds by the item. Then there were Elite Raids and Shadow Raids that furnished exclusivity and darkness to those who can conquer them. Speaking of conquering, the Master Ball is also now present, which can effectively "conquer" any Pokémon in capture, including the aforementioned Galarian birds. And then there were various little improvements with big effects.

All of the above aspects present their own challenges, as does its Championship Series for the Pokémon World Championships, which has continued seemingly unfazed. Yet as the tumult mentioned above suggests, this year may represent one of the most challenging years for the game because of it. Though it is a little unsavory to be discussed or even brought up in a brighter anniversary post like this, it becomes clear that the tumult has to be kept somewhat distanced as the game continues its stride.

Certainly, there is the associated anniversary event, which started today and will go on over the next week or so. Like last year, the year number of this year's anniversary is being worked into it, which has specific implications - the most obvious one being that 7 is the National Dex number for Squirtle, the very first starter Pokémon of the Water type. As always, the specific details are best left to be discussed in an event rollup as they are just that: particular and extensive.

Now seven years in the making, Pokémon Go is still going, albeit this time with some shaky steps. Still, the accomplishments of the past several years and up to this point are nothing to be discounted despite all the present shakiness. Like the realities of the people who play the game, it may be normal that the game also goes through its highs and lows as well as ups and downs, and this may very well be an important point for them. Whether that's fortunate, that may be up to the people (in front and behind it) to deal with.

Happy 7th anniversary to Pokémon Go.

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