Friday, July 21, 2023

The Andotrope for Pokémon

In this technologically advanced world, there is always a quest to seek new technologies for all kinds of things. So too is this true for Pokémon and its associated world, for which its technologies are just as advanced as the real world, if not more so. For those into visual media in either case, they're always in need of or can use viewing technologies to show off different things. Now, there's an innovation that lets the people do just that and in a way that lets them have a multidirectional perspective - and this is good for Pokémon matters too.

Meet the Andotrope. In brief and without going into too much technical detail, this innovation is an evolution of the zoetrope, a manual animation device, to be able to display virtually any clip of indefinite length facing any viewer in any direction. In essence, it can be pretty much described as an omnidirectional holographic viewer. In its initial incarnation, the technology uses two back-to-back tablets that spin at a high speed along with a slitted cylinder as with the zoetrope to provide the omnidirectional viewing capability. At this point, the applications to certain fandoms already become apparent, but Pokémon can have its share too.

One of the practical and realistic Pokémon applications is to be able to use the Andotrope as a showcase for certain Pokémon; for example, a Sylveon fan can have it showcase a loving example that one can gaze at and it can gaze back - the "waifu" potential here is high. If a larger Andotrope could be built, it could possibly be used as part of a "4D theater". An example of this is one showing a Blastoise shooting jets of water that viewers can actually feel with real water jets. Of course, this has to be appropriately crafted to produce dazzling effects rather than terrifying ones, and certainly within the limits of safety. I discussed these possibilities with some of my Pokémon friends, and they appear to be receptive to it, confirming the potential of the innovative display.

Less realistic but still practical for Pokémon purposes is to use the innovation to realize some holographic screens that Pokémon also displays from time to time. This could be for smaller displays that are often controlled by consoles, or even - again, if a larger one could be created - perhaps a display akin to what Professor Cerise uses in his laboratory. In either case, some modifications might have to be made to the implementations, but the basic display principle ought to be able to remain the same as it was initially innovated. These are just my ideas, and other fans may be able to suggest other ideas.

Now, it's called the "Andotrope" because its innovator is Mike Ando (also known as RIUM+), a friend of mine from the Myst series fandom who is also known for high-tech geeky endeavors. He created the device in order to replicate holographic projectors in one of the games of that series... inadvertently creating the innovation, and now it's subsequently patented - one will have to ask him for licensing. This was also unveiled at this year's Mysterium convention... which took place earlier this month at its turn from the last month. In effect, posting about this allows me to meet my "Myst quota" for this blog of one post a year since three years ago. Speaking of posts, for those interested in full details about the innovation, I suggest reading his post about it on his blog.

As one person in certain Pokémon games says, technology is incredible. That rings true for both the real world and the Pokémon world, which benefit from all the technologies that exist therein. And now, both of them (or at least, one going to another) can now benefit from a recently created innovation, the Andotrope, that has the potential to realize many kinds of display possibilities, some of which may be wild and far out. It's a technological quest that has led to the accomplishment of wondrous results.

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