Tuesday, July 11, 2023

My Mental Health with Pokémon

One of my social media "clusters" - the best way of describing it without going into detail about what it is - has a division for supporting others due to mental health problems, whether by life issues or even just wellness issues. While it can't solve every problem that is posed by the members, at least the support may mean something. This has gotten me to think about my mental health, which in the framing of this blog would be in relation to Pokémon. It would also be adjunct to a discussion from around two and a half years ago regarding my "wellness" with my Pokémon blogging efforts, only this time with Pokémon in general.

Regarding that general state, I find that in most cases, Pokémon improves my mental health. By playing the games or dealing with related aspects, I prevent myself from getting into situations that worsen my mental health, or if I'm already in them, I can then take a step back to think about them to alleviate my mental health state before trying to repress the situation again. Like the mental health division above, it's not intended to try to provide solutions to the problems that affect my health, although such solutions might just present themselves as I'm dealing with Pokémon and can be implemented after my time away.

Yet there is the possibility that some adverse effects to my mental health may result from my dealings with Pokémon things. Specifically, this involves my reactions when certain things occur in the games or whatever Pokémon thing that I'm involved with. But I also have to say that those reactions may possibly be the byproduct of the mental health state that I already possess, which I've not yet confirmed but have suspicions of. This would be a circumstance beyond my control and something that not even Pokémon can solve, although it may become something to be explored according to my interests.

I still think highly of that social media "cluster" of mine providing a space for the support of others with mental health issues due to one reason or another and the possible attempts to resolve those issues. In light of this and the above, Pokémon becomes a separate space where I may get to try to resolve my own issues (by clearing my mind off them temporarily), even with the possibility that it may introduce other issues of its own - though it may not be my fault entirely. At that point, at least I'm getting a certain sense of my wellness of my mind and how to keep that in check with all the things I have to do.

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