Saturday, July 29, 2023

Cosplay: Anime Cosupure (Cosplay) Matsuri

Me: Well, I was going to relax today and take care of other things, but then this happened.

Goh: How do you know about these things?

Me: I have great friends, so I know when I know.

Ash: Just as great as us!

Pikachu: Pi pika! ["Like us!"]

Me: Absolutely. Now, as you know, the place where I am has many students of different kinds. And sometimes they have projects that they want to try out.

Ash: Right! Like the competition for the performance one that you just put up.

Me: That's one of them too. So this is another one by different students in a different place. And, um... it seems like this could be their first time, so we might have to excuse some of their errors.

Goh: The title doesn't look too convincing. Is that why you added that bit?

Me: Yeah, you can already tell. That's one of the reasons why I'm sure it's the first time.

Goh: I got the schedule, and it seems like the main thing is the competition. And it's only for an afternoon.

Me: That should be nice for Ash. I decided to send you with your outfit from Kanto and Johto, but the new one I got.

Ash: Nice pick! I like that one too.

Me: Also, the place is somewhat different.

Ash: I pass it all the time when you send me to places! I didn't think I'd ever get to go in it.

Me: That's nice, isn't it? So how'd the competition go?

Ash: I got signed up! But then it seems they wanted things done just as they want...

Pikachu: Pika, pi pika... ["Yeah, as they say..."]

Me: See, that's a sign. They might not have thought things through.

Ash: Then it was time for the competition. They wanted everyone to perform for a bit, but then they had a lot of time left over, and they had trouble trying to fill it. They even asked everyone back for a parade and a photo op, and I wish they told us all this at the start.

Goh: How many characters were there?

Ash: Around 20.

Goh: They might have been expecting a lot to come, but fewer came.

Me: All of these are classic problems, especially for "rookie" organizers.

Goh: Here it says they have a band and a dance group. Did you get to hear and see them?

Ash: I thought I missed them the first time, but I guess they were just late. They sounded and looked good, though!

Goh: That's a relief. Oh, and the DJ at the end.

Ash: I got to see that just before I came back to you, and that was fun.

Goh: Great stuff.

Me: Of course, after all this, I have to ask about how you did. So.

Ash: Well, I think I got a good thing going!

Goh: Good enough to win something?

Ash: No, not this time. But a character friend of us did win - the same one from last week.

Me: Oh. Well, um, that's great, I guess.

Ash: But that friend is still interested in you - and us! That's the same one from "It's My Town". I think we really can get it going.

Pikachu: Pi pika. ["I do too."]

Me: Now I really don't know what to say. But we'll still see what happens.

Goh: So this project had a few good things, but it could be much, much better.

Me: That seems to be the fate with these kinds of student projects. In fact, the other one Ash and I mentioned, that hasn't been seen for many years - maybe because the new students couldn't manage.

Ash: They'll have to up their game for next time!

Goh: I agree! Don't you think?

Me: Things can and will happen - maybe for us too.

Two years ago: P25 Music for Life?
Three years ago: The Values of Posts
Six years ago: Under 100 Hours?

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