Saturday, July 8, 2023

Cosplay: AORUS Community Gathering

Me: Well, I had been wavering about this, but I decided to send Ash anyway.

Ash: Looks cool! Don't worry about it.

Pikachu: Chu, pika. ["Worry not."]

Goh: This doesn't look like a convention or a festival.

Me: You're right. It's more of an exhibition and gathering, specifically by a local gaming community and supported by a hardware manufacturer of graphics cards.

Goh: Hardware is important.

Me: Especially for you. I keep thinking about that workstation setup of yours and that's a fancy thing that has to require an advanced graphics card.

Goh: I'm sure my parents knew what I need, and I'll bet that was part of the deal.

Me: Right. Now, I'm not advocating the use of specific makes and models of graphics cards, but I will advocate the use of ones that fit your needs and your budget.

Goh: But if you have something like mine, why not? What's your setup like, by the way?

Me: It's decent, not as high-end as yours, but it does still need a good graphics card.

Goh: I'm sure you do.

Me: Thanks. Now, getting back to the exhibition and gathering, how was it?

Ash: It was short but nice!

Pikachu: Pi! ["Nice!"]

Goh: I got ahold of the schedule, and it is kind of short, just for an entire afternoon. Also, it looks like this is one of those events that the organizers add characters to make it lively.

Me: I'm pretty sure you're right, because the schedule only has the gaming portion earlier and the character entertainment portion later.

Ash: I didn't get to see the gamers, but I played a game that you like! It's an adventure game and I was lucky to find it on a PC they had shown.

Me: Oh, nice! I mean to play the game myself since I now have it, but this works too for now. But don't get too far into it - I want to experience it for myself.

Ash: They didn't have sound anyway, so I think you really want to do that.

Me: OK, that settles that. The main thing is the character parade, and I sent you for that with your Hoenn outfit - again, for convenience and economy. How'd it go?

Ash: The stage was in an "L" shape! It got me wanting to try something new, and I did. I didn't win anything from that.

Goh: How many prizes were there and out of how many characters?

Ash: Five, for 20.

Goh: That is kind of hard.

Ash: But I did win a shirt as a giveaway from the gamer community!

Goh: I'd say you got pretty lucky on that one.

Pikachu: Pika pika. ["How lucky."]

Me: Yeah, I'd say the shirt is a lucky gimmick rather than something for our posterity. It seems OK though.

Ash: The entertainment was great - a couple of singers, and you know one of them well.

Me: That should be nice too.

Ash: And that was that.

Goh: Nice afternoon, wasn't it?

Me: I'd say it was decent. You got to go out and meet my friends and character friends, and you got to play something I wanted to play. There's no better time, even if that was all.

Goh: You said you wavered, but it turned out OK. 

Ash: See? No worries.

Pikachu: Pika! ["Yes!"]

Me: That may just be something to consider even beyond what happened today.

Two years ago: Every Word Is a Prayer
Three years ago: Dream of Pokémon Life
Six years ago: Pursuing Shiny?

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